Increase Productivity with These Tips

How to Reduce Stress and Stay Productive at Work

It is typical for your everyday work routines to wear you out physically and mentally. If that happens and you do not find a solution for it, you will see yourself losing productivity and even suffering from stress.

There are ways for overcoming both physical and mental tensions. In fact, you can carry them out without involving anyone around you or even the workplace environment’s system.

The key is to gather your willingness to take action and to become aware of techniques for performing psychological relaxation without interfering with the current task. If you succeed at it, even if you do not ask anyone else to change, you will be able to maintain the same level of productivity.

Some sources, such as surveys or testimonies from people who have successfully implemented them, show that there are at least five attitudes you may adopt to prevent yourself from getting stuck in a monotonous, work routine, which can result in physical and mental stress.

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1. Do Personal Rituals

You should engage in a personal ritual, whether you are just starting out or working on your tasks. Obviously, you should not pick a ritual that violates company standards, policies, or ethics.

For example, your ritual may be making your favorite hot drink, such as coffee, milk tea, etc. Another ritual you can try is to listen to your favorite music or songs when the task you are currently working on becomes tedious. That way, after doing that personal ritual, you will feel reenergized to deal with that task again.

2. Prioritize Your Work

When tasks from your supervisor start piling up, you should take a look at the deadline set for each of them.

Next, after examining the deadlines, you should classify them according to the level of urgency, with the most important items being handled first. Continue by doing less urgent tasks one after another. By doing so you will lessen your probability of developing stress.

3. Avoid Distractions

According to a study by Professor Gloria Mark at the Department of Informatics at the University of California, United States, it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to regain full concentration after being interrupted or distracted from a work-related job.

As a result, they will become less productive. Therefore, keeping your workplace free from any potential distractions becomes crucial. For instance, you can turn your phone off, stay away from a noisy television, and avoid choosing a desk that is close to a doorway.

4. Be Punctual When It Is Time to Rest

When it is time to take a break, do not wait until you have finished your work! By taking a break, you are relieving psychological tensions in addition to relaxing up your muscles and sensory nerves and slowing down your brain waves. It is crucial to do this because nervousness and mental strain can make your body more prone to fatigue.

When it happens, your productivity will bear the consequences. If you push yourself to continue, your work quality will degrade. Therefore, it is crucial for those of you who work independently to plan regular, uninterrupted breaks.

5. Create Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Plans

Using these plans, you can set goals and deadlines for the tasks at hand. Specify when you should work on your tasks. Make a list of your priorities, including the things that must be completed first based on their deadlines. This way, you are able to stay organized at work by knowing precisely when to work hard and when to take breaks.

Working effectively is rewarding because it allows you to keep up with or increase your production. This will be particularly crucial if you want to apply for a job at a reputable organization like SERA.

The company, also known as PT Serasi Autoraya, is the leader in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry, providing related services since its inception on March 22, 1990. Every year, this Astra Group’s subsidiary welcomes new team members to fill various positions at the company.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for anyone who meets the requirements to apply for a position at one of the subsidiaries under its group. For more details, visit the official website of SERA: or click on this direct link:
