Tips for Answering Questions about Weakness

During job interviews, recruiters aim to uncover various strengths candidates possess, including both hard and soft skills. However, they also strive to identify any weaknesses the candidate may have, especially in terms of personality.

Recruiters seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of each candidate’s skills and character. One common question is about your weaknesses.

This question can be tricky because the answer can be a double-edged sword. If you answer honestly, you might expose negative traits.

If you hide them, the recruiter might perceive you as dishonest. However, if you answer incorrectly, you could jeopardize your chances of getting the job. It’s a real dilemma, isn’t it?

Fortunately, there are effective strategies to handle this question. Choose a weakness that is not directly related to the job requirements. Demonstrate self-awareness and a commitment to improvement.

See also: Avoid These Mistakes during Job Interviews

Explain the steps you’ve taken to address the weakness. Express yourself confidently and enthusiastically, but avoid sounding arrogant or insecure. If possible, highlight how your weakness can also be perceived as a strength.

So, what weaknesses can you discuss during an interview? Here are some examples of weaknesses and how to present them positively.

Common Weaknesses and Effective Responses

Lack of Experience

If you’re a fresh graduate, lack of experience is a common weakness.

To address this, elaborate on the steps you’ve taken to support your career, such as attending courses or seminars to enhance your skills. The key is to emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow.

Academic Challenges

You can explain the academic challenges you faced during your studies as a weakness. This can be a strategic move as it prompts the recruiter to examine your CV and portfolio.

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However, avoid focusing on weaknesses directly related to the job you’re applying for.

Interpersonal Interactions

Acknowledging difficulties in interacting with others is acceptable. However, ensure you don’t come across as someone who struggles to collaborate with others.

For instance, you might mention being too critical of others and how you’re working on becoming more supportive.

Lack of Foreign Language Proficiency

If your language skills are limited, be upfront about it. However, highlight your proficiency in other languages.

Also, mention that you’re working on improving your language skills. For example, if your French is weak, emphasize your strong English skills.

Work-Life Balance Challenges

Admitting difficulties in balancing work and personal life can be considered a weakness.While dedicating significant energy and time to work demonstrates a strong work ethic, it can lead to an imbalance and potential burnout due to a lack of rest. If you mention this weakness, explain the steps you’re taking to achieve a better balance.

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Lack of Organization

Being disorganized or untidy in the workplace is a common weakness. You can address this by providing a specific example of how you’re working to improve, such as implementing a routine to clean and organize your desk at least once a week. This demonstrates to the recruiter that you’re making an effort to change your behavior.


While impatience can be seen as a negative trait, you can frame it as a desire for excellence. Explain how your impatience has driven you to achieve certain goals.

Excessive Honesty

Honesty is a valuable trait, but excessive honesty can sometimes be detrimental.

You can acknowledge the potential downsides of being too honest and explain how you’re working to develop more empathy.


Being hesitant in decision-making due to considering too many factors is natural, especially if you lack experience in leadership roles.

Admit that you’ve previously relied on strong leadership where instructions and decisions were clearly communicated. However, also emphasize that you are capable of making decisions or providing instructions when necessary.

These are various strategies for tackling questions about personal weaknesses during interviews. Hopefully, you’ll learn from past mistakes and become a successful candidate.

See also: Build Your Perfect Job CV: Tips and Examples

In addition to preparing for the interview, ensure the company offers a positive work environment and guaranteed career growth. Choose a reputable and credible company in its field, such as PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA).

SERA, founded on March 22, 1990, has become a leader in Indonesia’s logistics and transportation industry. This member of the Astra Group regularly conducts recruitment to fill specific roles.

To this day, SERA continues to offer opportunities for individuals to occupy various positions within its subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

For more details about job opportunities at SERA, visit its official website:, or click on this direct link:

Don’t forget to follow SERA’s social media on Instagram @serasiautoraya and LinkedIn Serasi Autoraya for the latest job openings and career tips.
