Some Common Issues in the Logistics Industry

Logistics is the process of moving or distributing goods from one place to another for various purposes. It can be seen from manufacturing to daily consumption, directly impacting the national economic growth.

More effective and efficient logistics activities, such as transportation, storage, and distribution, bring greater benefits to the wheels of the economy.

However, there are many problems with logistics. Besides that, the development of technology has impacted the governance of various industries, including logistics.

Manual System

Many logistics companies face obstacles when it comes to information and communications. They still use manual or paper-based systems.

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As a result, the recipient or sender who should know the process of shipping goods cannot track it in real-time. It can cause a bad image and undermine the credibility of a logistics company.

However, we can use a GPS tracker, which adopts AVL (Automated Vehicle Locator). This technology allows companies or customers to know where the shipped goods are.

Unequally Distributed Infrastructure

Bad infrastructure can also be an obstacle to the logistics process. Even Indonesia’s infrastructure issue is said to be worse than that of other countries. The bad infrastructure can be seen from ports to roads.

The major issue is the absence of an international hub port. On the other hand, the roads are often blocked by floods, landslides, etc.

See also: Types of Shipping in the Logistics Industry

Cost Issue

Another common issue is the lack of certainty in the cost of inter-island shipping. As waters dominate Indonesia’s territory, goods must be transported between islands by ship with high costs.

Compared to its neighboring countries, Indonesia has the highest shipping cost. It is even 23% higher.

Another complex issue is the potential damage to goods. A shipping company can transport hundreds to thousands of goods, so it cannot check the condition of each of them.

On the one hand, the loss due to damage to goods is covered by insurance. However, it needs education and additional costs.

Considering this fact, you should choose a logistics company that can ensure certainty, security, transparency, and convenience. But, make an informed choice. The logistics company must be trusted, reputable, and credible.

See also: Is Halal Certification Relevant in the Logistics Industry?

With extensive experience in the industry, SELOG, a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA and part of PT Astra International Tbk, is one of these logistics companies.

Initially established to provide vehicle rental solutions, SERA has become the largest, industry-leading transportation provider.

With more than 35 years of experience, SERA continues innovating, providing effective, efficient, and high-quality logistics services through SERA Logistic (SELOG).

SELOG is here to serve the needs of customers in end-to-end logistics through a series of diverse services, including Contract Logistics, Shipping Services, Shipping Agency, Freight Forwarding, Warehouse and Yard Management, and Courier Services.

SELOG services are also supported by cutting-edge digital technology, which makes customers’ businesses easier, more effective, and more efficient.

See also: 5 Telltale Signs of a Good Logistics Company

With its Astra Fleet Management Solution (FMS), SELOG provides businesses in Indonesia with IT-based comprehensive solutions for managing fleet vehicles.

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