SELOG Earns SMK PAU Certification

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, PT Serasi Logistics Indonesia (SELOG) was awarded the Safety Management System of Public Transportation Company (SMK PAU) certificate in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 85 of 2018. The award was presented directly by the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia’s Directorate of Road Transportation Facilities, represented by Joko Kusnanto, Head of the Safety Management Sub-field, to Hadi Suprianto, SLI Operation Plan & Control Manager, at the Ministry of Transportation Building.

SMK PAU is a safety governance system with 10 criteria: commitment and policy, organization, hazard and risk management, vehicle maintenance and repair facilities, documents and data, competency improvement and training, emergency response, internal accident reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and performance measurement. During the assessment, SELOG demonstrated exemplary transportation safety management in all operations, meeting the high standards expected by stakeholders, customers, and partners.

“Achieving this certification proves that SELOG is a public transport service provider that prioritizes driving safety comprehensively and thoughtfully and is capable of managing hazards and risks. We are committed to adhering to the rules of SMK PAU by complying with the applicable laws and regulations and prioritizing traffic safety in our logistics operations,” said Hadi Suprianto.

“In addition to obtaining the SMK PAU certification, SELOG adds value to its customer services to achieve operational excellence. We also extend our gratitude to all teams involved in implementing SMK PAU in our logistics operations, including the Operations Team, Driver Management Team, Fleet Management Team, and HSE Operation Support Team, who continuously strive for the company’s excellence,” he concluded. 
