Introducing Warehouse Management System and its Role in Logistics Industry

What is a Warehouse Management System?

The logistics industry is not as simple as it seems. Managing thousands of goods requires a systemic workflow and a standardized warehouse. For a streamlined process in warehouse management, a company needs a Warehouse Management System (WMS).

WMS is an essential process to optimize warehouse operation and is compliant with the company’s planning. It ensures an easier, faster, and more efficient process during the operation.

WMS can be a company’s one-stop solution to maximize warehouse management. It provides a structured and efficient workflow, which contributes to the enhancement of data accuracy and employee productivity.

WMS also enables continuous tracking of received, picked up, delivered, and detained goods, as well as damaged goods and completed shipments. This system allows customers to monitor goods inventory in real-time.

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WMS uses barcodes as unique codes to track each item. It integrates all information in every branch, providing real-time information about product location and placement.

5 Benefits of Warehouse Management System

You can enjoy several benefits using the Warehouse Management System below.

1. Efficient Material Handling

The noticeable benefit of WMS is the efficiency in material handling, thanks to the computerized system’s ability to simplify the steps in warehouse management. It allows a faster and more accurate transaction.

2. Efficient Storage Organization

WMS optimizes the organization of goods in the storage area, allowing every incoming good to be effectively stored.

3. Cost-effective

WMS is a computerized system that requires only computer hardware or a laptop. It effectively processes product inventory data stored in the warehouse.

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Such a system can reduce the use of manual tools,allowing the company to create a cost-saving budget and allocate resources for other needs.

4. Enhancing Employee’s Performance and Productivity

Employee performance and productivity are projected to increase when a company applies proper warehouse management. This system informs the employees on which task to prioritize throughout their working hours.

5. Boosting Customer Service

A proper warehouse management system can improve the efficiency of order and shipment processes by integrating the whole process. It will be easier for companies to determine shipment dates for their customers.

Those are brief information about Warehouse Management that explains the importance of proper storage management.

WMS service from a reputable logistics company can be a seamless option for individuals who prioritize more functional warehouse management.

SELOG is a credible logistics company and a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA. It has been known in the industry for many years.

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SELOG serves the needs of customers in end-to-end logistics through a series of diverse services. They include Contract Logistics, Shipping Services, Shipping Agencies, Forwarding Agencies, Warehouse and Yard Management, and Courier Services.

Driven by the latest digital technologies, SELOG’s services bring greater convenience, effectiveness, and efficiency to your business.

Through Astra Fleet Management Solution (FMS), SELOG provides businesses in Indonesia with comprehensive IT-based solutions for vehicle management.

For further information on SELOG, go to this page
