Discover the Types and Characters of Employee At the Workplace

It’s beyond doubt that each individual has their own traits and characteristics. The same fact also prevails at work. Despite being part of the same unit or division, each employee definitely has their own character.

Do you knowthat at the base level, those diverse characters can be boiled down to 5 character groups?

Understanding those groups is an important step for the boss and the employees. This understanding can help managers or leaders tailor their approach to each employee.

For fellow employees, meanwhile, this understanding will be beneficial in facilitating communication and collaboration at work.

Based on this theory, an employee’s character can be identified from their behavior and response when they receive work from their manager. Generally, there are five major groups of the characters mentioned above.

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This grouping is intended to increase ways to communicate professionally and efficiently to avoid misunderstanding. Check out the full list below.

5 Types of Employees at the Workplace

The Executor

The executor type of employee usually works conventionally, is patient, and focuses on completing the task at hand. They execute others’ ideas and do their best to complete the work based on the applicable procedures.

This type of employee likes systematic and clear job procedures. They tend to be perfect for executing ideas, especially the well-conceptualized ones. However, they will hit a snag when receiving unclear instructions because they are generally unable to form their own concepts and ideas.

The Liberalist

Liberalist employees love to contribute ideas and innovations. They like the freedom to think and work up their own solutions to reach their goal instead of performing rigid procedures.

They prefer to work in an environment that supports freedom of expression and is free from constraints or strict regulations. When their freedom is disturbed, they will feel dissatisfied and offended.

The Participative

The next type of employee is someone who likes collaboration and prioritizes discussion with all group members to achieve their goals.

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This type of employee highly appreciates openness in accepting ideas, differences of opinion, and constructive criticism. Being open-minded, they like exchanging ideas with colleagues and superiors and accepting diversity.

The Consultative

The Consultative type of employee is reliable in critically analyzing various ideas and information to provide more accurate solutions.

They often provide clear and logical input to their superiors. Their critical thinking skills allow them to be a trustworthy problem-solver.

The Interactive

Finally, we have the Interactive type of employee who likes to interact, puts ideas forward, and tries to find the best solution through negotiation. They have strong views and are open to criticism.

This type of employee tends to be calm, accepts input, and can reach the best compromise for the problem at hand. Often, their interactions can provide new and unique perspectives.

So, those are several types of employees that you often encounter in the workplace. And how do you find out the character of an employee? The best way is to observe their daily behavior, even though it may take a long time.

However, in the professional world, the various types and characters of employees are beneficial in enriching the comfortable working atmosphere created by the company management.

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Therefore, it’s important to learn about the company’s background and culture before applying for a job. Choose a company with a good reputation and credibility in its field, such as PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA.

SERA was founded on 22 March 1990 and has become the leader in Indonesia’s logistics and transportation industry. This Astra Group’s company welcomes new members to fill various positions.

SERA continuously provides opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about job opportunities at SERA, visit its official website:, or click on this direct link:

Don’t forget to follow SERA’s social media on Instagram @serasiautoraya and LinkedIn Serasi Autoraya for the latest career tips and job openings.
