SERA Group 2024 Iftar Gathering

For this year’s Ramadan, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) once again held an iftar gathering on Thursday, March 21st 2024 at Grha SERA. The gathering held at Grha SERA musalla was attended by all SERA Group employees, as well as representatives from Yayasan Nuruh Ihsan, Yayasan Berkah Cendikia Asifa, Yayasan PSI Almanar and Majlis Ta'lim Tazkiyyatun Nafs (MT TN) Matraman. This routine event became a gathering place between SERA management, employees, and the surrounding community.

The event begins with opening remarks from Pramudita Aulia, the head organizer, and Yudas Tadeus, the SERA management representative.  While waiting for the Maghrib azan, the event was filled with competitions, winner announcements of the previous pre-activity, and lectures delivered by Ustad. Drs. Ali Mahrus Affandi. The event closes with the iftar gathering.

“I would like to say thank you to all committees for participating in this event. They have consistently held this event every Ramadan. I hope that through this event, we can further enhance the sense of togetherness and provide blessings for all. Hopefully, all SERA employees can excel, be intellectual, and have good morals so that they can have integrity in their work, just like this year's theme,” said Yudas Tadeus.
