Buy Used Motorcycles Easily with IBID Motorcycle Evaluation

Most people hesitate when buying a used motorcycle. Is the condition as good as advertised? What if the motorcycle actually needs fixing? What if it will only waste your time, mind, and money?

These questions and worries often haunt those who want to buy them, so much so that it made some people outright stop considering.

On the other hand, people who want to sell their motorcycles are confused in determining the right price. If the price is too high, the motorcycle will not sell.

Conversely, if the price is too low, they will surely be at a loss, don’t you think? These worries will get bigger if the seller does not understand their motorcycle’s condition.

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Both buyers and sellers are facing the same problem, which is finding out a used motorcycle’s condition at the exact market price.

As a solution to that, IBID - Balai Lelang Serasi launched a motorcycle inspection service called IBID Motorcycle Valuation (IMV) in late 2023.

What Is IBID Motorcycle Valuation?

IBID Motorcycle Valuation (IMV) is an inspection service that provides inspection reports and results for a motorcycle’s physical and technical condition with a grading score of A-E, similar to Astra Car Valuation (ACV).

Not only does IMV improve used motorcycle auction services, but it also makes bidders easily know the actual condition of the motorcycle in order to determine its selling price objectively based on the inspection results. Then, what are the components inspected with IMV?

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Inspection Process with IMV

There are 3 motorcycle areas inspected using IMV: the frame, body, and engine. IMV also checks the completeness of its documentation, such as STNK and BPKB.

The frame of the motorcycle is the first inspection area where the team checks for potential problems such as corrosion, cracks, and breaks. During the inspection, the IMV team will check if the chassis, chains, brakes, and kickstand are still in normal condition or problematic.

The next to be inspected is the motorcycle’s body. The inspection covers not only the motorcycle’s cover but also its dashboard, lamp, tires, exhaust, and seat.

The last areas to be inspected are the engine and the electrical system. The inspection covers full checking of the engine’s components, battery, kickstarter, radiator, and indicators.

After all areas are thoroughly inspected, the IMV team will make an assessment in the form of a grading score. IMV not only presents the overall grade but also presents the grades for each component, categorized into 5:

  • A (Excellent)

  • B (Good)

  • C (Okay)

  • D (Poor)

  • E (Bad)

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The score will be the parameter in determining the selling value of the used motorcycle in the market. Of course, grade A motorcycles will have a higher price than ones with grades C or D.

Another factor in play in determining its selling price is the brand and type. IMV will help sellers and buyers get a motorcycle at the best price for its condition.

IBID Motorcycle Valuation (IMV) is currently available across IBID’s national branches. The used motorcycle reports can be downloaded directly on the website or the IBID app, which is available to download on Google Play Store and App Store.

Auction of Various Products

Not only does IBID sell used cars and motorcycles, but IBID also holds auctions for other products as well. Some of the many examples include computers, laptops, printers, chairs, and tables.

Therefore, an auction is an easy solution for those who want to sell a lot of office equipment at once.

Auction houses also consign production leftovers or scraps, such as containers, scraps, raw material leftovers from production, and unused means of production.

Auction houses also consign other non-automotive products, such as gadgets and accessories/collection items. The gadgets include mobile phones, tablets, PCs, game consoles, drones, and many more.

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The accessories and collectibles include goods with a high selling price, such as musical instruments, paintings, toys, bags, and other imported goods not available in Indonesia.

IBID is an experienced auction house with high credibility ever since its inception in 2007. In automotive, IBID sold 27,000 four-wheeled vehicles at auctions and held more than 500 auction events every year until the end of 2016.

IBID organizes auctions on a weekly basis in its 10 office branches across Indonesia. In addition, IBID has also held auctions in more than 30 cities in Indonesia.

You can continue to follow developments in auction items available at IBID through the Instagram @ibid_balailelangserasi, website or directly download the IBID application at Google Play Store andApple App Store.
