Tips to Answer Tricky Job Interview Questions

An interview is one of the crucial stages in the employee recruitment process to ask several questions related to the technicalities of a job.

There are also some questions to find out the employee candidates’ personality. Some of these questions sometimes look easy, while others seem confusing.

It turns out that such questions are leading questions that require a good strategy to answer.

For example, “Could you name your weaknesses?” To a few, a question like this doesn’t seem very clear.

Candidates are required to give appropriate answers but, at the same time, must not degrade their self-values. So, how do you answer such a question?

Note that companies are looking for job candidates with not only technical skills and years of experience but also additional values, great personalities, and strong soft skills.

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In fact, they are more likely to choose candidates with growth potential and good personalities despite their meager technical experience.

To find employees that fit in with organizational culture, they emphasize soft skills like organizational skills, communication skills, leadership, taking initiative, and the ability to think on the spot.

To achieve that goal, they will ask questions that are either confusing or seem easy but have a lot of implications. The following questions are often asked in an interview.

Tell me about yourself

This question always appears in all interviews. It might seem easy to answer, but it’s actually a bit tricky. The candidates can make a good first impression from the answer to this question.

Consider two crucial matters below to answer it. First, give a concise answer regarding your professional and personal profiles.

A professional profile includes educational background, previous work experience, relevant organizational experience, and various courses/training relevant to the position you’re applying for. In your personal profile, explain your hobbies or interests relevant to the position.

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Second, avoid any discussions that are too personal. Explain only hobbies or interests relevant to the position you’re applying for because they can be an extra point.

Avoid any personal discussions that are too extensive and not related to the work with the interviewer. For example, too specific childhood and educational background, friendship/family relationships or hobbies unrelated to work.

Why do you want to join our company?

This question is usually asked to determine the candidates’ reasons for applying to the company. You can answer it by saying that you’re interested in learning more about your field of expertise and the position you’re applying for.

Alternatively, you can mention parts of the company’s vision and mission that are in sync with yours.  Check out other tips to answer those types of questions. First, explain that you’re very enthusiastic to learn about the position.

To fully convey your enthusiasm, understand the position you’re applying for, from its profile and job description to the responsibilities related to your interests or educational background. 

Second, do a bit of research about the company you’re applying to. Researching the company is equally important to learning about the position you’re applying for.

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This is a way to give a good impression to your interviewer. Find out more about the position by reading the company website and social media accounts.

Third, convince the interviewer that you are the right candidateby referring to the job requirements in the vacancy information and proving that you meet those requirements, in terms of your educational background and skills.

Finally, end the explanation with your motivations related to your future career development. The interviewer usually wants to know how important the vacancy is to your career development.

Explain that the position that you are trying to apply for will help with your future career development.

Mention Your Weakness

This is one of the trickiest questions. The reason is many people get confused about whether they should mention their weaknesses, especially in an interview where the candidates need to show their best qualities.

But fear not! This question can actually be a tool to show that you have good personal qualities, particularly self-awareness and the ability to think positively. 

One way to discover your weaknesses is to ask the people closest to you, like family, friends, seniors, or even professors.

After getting a few pointers about your weaknesses, choose the appropriate one to answer questions like this.

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Wondering how to do that? Pick weaknesses that don’t weaken your professional value, are not part of the core skills in the position you’re applying for, and are not the ones you are still trying to improve.

What’s your greatest achievement in life? 

This question is usually asked to discover the candidates’ additional value. Your answer will be assessed based on whether they can positively impact the job you’re applying for.

For example, suppose your greatest achievement is having served as chairman of the senate or student association. In that case, the company will assess that your leadership side has been honed and will positively impact teamwork.

Aside from leadership skills, there are still many more answers that you can think of. For example, winning an award in a national or international research conference or getting a certificate in a field related to the position you’re applying for. You can also emphasize extracurricular activities, like being selected as the head of an organization or volunteering in NGO, among other things.

Make sure your answer is straightforward by choosing one significant achievement without trying to mention each and every small ones.

Answer honestly while maintaining pride in that achievement. Try to choose achievements relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Companies seek to find the best candidate to fill the recruitment vacancy. Conversely, you also have the right to get the best company regarding work environment and culture, management, and prospects.

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Many companies provide comfortable working conditions, a definite scheme of assignment and responsibility, fair career opportunities, and support for the potential of each employee.

One of the companies that fall into that category is PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA for short. It’s the biggest transportation and logistics company in Indonesia, founded on 22 March 1990.

This Astra Group’s company welcomes new members to fill various positions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about the job vacation at SERA, visit its official website, or click on this direct link:
