Understanding Work Integrity, Examples Included

What Is Integrity?

Integrity is a common term in the talks about employees. Similarly, it’s common to assume high integrity for a public figure’s achievements and low integrity when referring to their failure or improper conduct.

So, what exactly is integrity? The official dictionary of the Indonesian language (KBBI) defines integrity as the quality, nature, or status that comprehensively describes a person. Someone with integrity thus has the potential and ability to radiate credibility and honesty.

While keeping true to its original definition, integrity can be interpreted differently and applied accordingly.

In professional work, for example, integrity is defined as the attitude of an employee who is professionally capable of being responsible for their work and putting aside their interests.

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Ultimately, integrity becomes one of the conditions for assessing employees’ performance, because high integrity comes with high productivity and motivation.

4 Ways to Developing Work Integrity

Integrity significantly affects an employee’s career since it is important in assessing their performance. Anyone can develop a high-integrity attitude so long as there’s a strong will to do so.

Have a Strong Motivation

In a workplace, integrity can develop from a strong motivation to become the best, achieve accolades, or work responsibly on the assigned tasks.

Employees with integrity are then ready to work whenever duty calls, as long as they don’t deviate from their responsibilities.

Manage Time Properly

Having discipline in managing time is essential in developing work integrity. Examples include arriving on time, completing tasks appropriately, and spending time only for useful activities at work.

Be Honest about Personal Weaknesses

Employees with high integrity will accept and reflect on their weaknesses while trying to improve themselves.

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Maintain Confidentiality

Maintaining confidentiality, especially when dealing with important information or data, is one condition of an employee’s integrity. Such an act of loyalty means you’re more responsible to the company and strive to improve yourself.

However, having integrity at work is not just about the willingness to work hard, discipline, ability to self-reflect, honesty, and respect for your superiors and other employees. Having integrity also means having a strong commitment and pride in your company by applying the company’s values.

When it comes to a company with good work culture and environment, PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA is one of them. The company, founded in 1990, has become Indonesia’s largest transportation and logistics industry. It is part of Astra Group and regularly recruits employees.

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SERA continuously provides opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

To learn more about career opportunities at SERA, visit its official website at or click on this direct link:

Don’t forget to follow SERA’s social media on Instagram @serasiautoraya and Linkedin Serasi Autoraya for the latest career tips and job openings.
