Car Title Transfer: Requirements and Costs

Buying a used car is the best way to own a car when the budget constraints don’t allow you to go for a new one. Today, you can find many used car options in the market, from various makes and models for a price that doesn’t break the bank.

However, purchasing a used car is not as simple as closing the deal and taking your car home. There’s one more step involved: transferring the car’s title to your name. With it being in your name, extending your car’s vehicle registration certificate, commonly known as STNK in Indonesia, and paying the car’s taxes will be less hassle.

What is a Car Title Transfer?

Basically, transferring a car title means officially changing the ownership of a vehicle from the vehicle’s current owner to a new owner, usually after the vehicle is sold to someone. Not only does the STNK get changed, but also the car’s title, commonly referred to as BPKB in Indonesia.

But, why do both of them need change? When you extend your STNK and pay the taxes, you must submit both the STNK and the BPKB and your personal identification (KTP). You must also show the person’s KTP whose name is in the STNK and BPKB. So, when you’ve transferred the title to your name, you don’t have to worry about contacting the seller again to borrow their KTP to extend the STNK.

See also:Tips on Buying a Used Car with an Auto Loan and UMR

Documents Required

You can have your car’s title transferred at a Samsat office (DMV equivalent in Indonesia) in the region where the car is registered. Prepare the documents below to transfer the car’s title.

  • The original copy of BPKB

  • The original copy of STNK

  • Your KTP

  • Car’s bill of sale, which should clearly outline the car’s make and model, vehicle identification number (VIN), engine serial number, car color, and license plate number.

Make a photocopy of each document above, then submit them to the staff at the Samsat office for verification. Your car will then undergo an inspection.

After they have completed the verification and your car has passed the inspection, the last step is to pay for the costs. Wait for your name to be called and finish the payment. And that’s it.You only need to wait until the Samsat office issues the new BPKB and STNK.

How Much Should I Pay?

Bear in mind that your new BPKB and STNK won’t get issued on the same day since the staff has to finish the process, including writing down your details in the new BPKB by hand. The staff will give you an estimate of when you should come back to collect them.

Now, let’s run the numbers for a title transfer. In this example, we’ll be using a used car priced at 150,000,000 rupiahs. For the transfer, you have to pay one percent of the car’s price, which is 1,500,000 rupiahs in this case.

Further fees are 1) the motor vehicle tax, two percent of the car’s price or 3,000,000 rupiahs, 2) 143,000 rupiahs for the mandatory road accident insurance premium (SWDKLLJ), 3) a 50,000 rupiah STNK administrative fee, 4) a 200,000 rupiah STNK issuance fee, and 5) a 100,000 rupiah license plate fee. Finally, issuing the new BPKB will cost 375,000 rupiahs, and the registration fee will be 100,000.

See also: Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Used Car

In total, for a 150-million-rupiah car, you have to pay 5,468,000 rupiahs, excluding the transportation expenses and the time and energy you spend completing the transfer.

Buy a Used Car the Safe Way at mobil88

Looking for a safe, easy way to buy a used car? Check out mobil88, a renowned dealership with a proven track record of excellence spanning decades.

Owned by PT Serasi Mitra Mobil, the dealership buys and sells used cars under the banner of PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA for short. Each car at mobil88 has been inspected thoroughly by a certified and dependable team of vehicle inspectors.

The inspection results will give you dependable information about the condition of the car you want to buy. They also inform you of the car’s pricing, giving you a fair, transparent price for a used car and freeing you from the worry about the car’s actual condition.

With over 35 years of experience, mobil88 offers you professional, trustworthy assistance and a car-buying process. To learn more about mobil88, visit its official website at
