Be Aware of These Traffic Signs

Encountering traffic signs is a daily occurence, and these are more than mere road decorations or embellishments. These symbol-filled objects act as guidelines for all road users to obey.

In general, there are three kinds of traffic signs: warning, prohibitory, and guide signs.

Signs that belong in the warning category are designed to alert road users to conditions in the area that they should anticipate.

For example, a speed limit traffic sign with the number 30 written on it is a warning sign that motorists should not drive over 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) per hour due to pedestrians who regularly cross the road.

In short, warning signs notify road users of rules applicable in the area, including one-way traffic, odd-even license plate policy, and driving restrictions based on times of day.

These signs are also used to inform road users of road hazards ahead, which is why paying attention to and obeying them are important for every road user.

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Next are prohibitory signs, which, as the name suggests, forbid road users to do things specified in the signs, and failing to obey them will result in danger. An example is a no-entry or forbidden sign, which prohibits motorists from entering a road from their direction.

The third type of traffic sign is a guide sign, which directs traffic in a particular direction based on how the traffic is managed in the area, guiding motorists to navigate accordingly. Auxiliary signs are also provided to complement guide signs.

Together, these signs inform road users of destinations or points of interest. They will typically include distances to the places from the points where the signs are erected.

Traffic Signs Purposes

Basically, traffic signs help traffic management. They can indicate zones where three-passenger-one-vehicle and odd-even license plate policies and time-based traffic restrictions apply. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengatur arus lalu lintas di suatu jalan.

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These are several types of road signs that you should obey and their respective functions. They ensure a smooth traffic flow and, as a result, help promote road safety.

Another important factor to safety is the condition of your own vehicle, especially if it has high mileage. If that is the case, you need to take care of it very seriously.

This also applies when you are shopping for a used car because, in many cases, used cars might seem fine at first glance, but upon closer inspection, you might find damaged parts or compromised safety features.

If you are looking for an easy and safe way to buy a used car, check out mobil88, a trusted used car dealership with an excellent reputation for decades.

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This used car dealership under PT Serasi Mitra Mobil is a part of PT Serasi Autoraya, commonly referred to as SERA. Every used car offered by the dealership has undergone a rigorous inspection carried out by certified, trusted vehicle inspectors.

The inspection results provide reliable information about the condition of the car you want to buy. Additionally, they inform the car’s pricing, making it fairer for you, so you receive value for your money without concerns about the condition.

With more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 is renowned for delivering professional and trustworthy services. To learn more about mobil88, visit its official website at
