Here are Two Ways You Can Consign with IBID and Their Benefits

If you are looking to sell your car, it never hurts to sell it at auction. Most people don’t quite understand what it looks like to auction off their car at an auction house.

In fact, putting your car up for auction is among the fairest and most honest ways to sell it, considering that a dedicated team at an auction house will examine your car and determine its value first before it goes to an auction.

That way, the price put on your car is the most reasonable price you will get based on its condition. Even so, it will also hugely depend on how trustworthy your auction house of choice is — whether they hold their service to a high standard of professionalism or clients are satisfied with it.

One of the most reputable auction houses in Indonesia is IBID, an auction house brand from PT Balai Lelang Serasi.

In addition to its reputation, IBID offers its clients the convenience of live auctions, which you can join from anywhere without having to attend the auction in person via the IBID app available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

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You Can Consign with IBID: Here’s How

You can also join the auction on IBID’s website at You can join on the website or the app on your phone. You have chosen the safe and easy way to participate in an auction by choosing IBID.

IBID does not only auction off cars but also provides a consignment service, allowing you to sell your car. What’s more, IBID’s consignment service consists of vehicle consignment and non-vehicle consignment.

As the name suggests, vehicle consignment is intended for vehicles (including cars and motorcycles), while non-vehicle consignment allows you to sell lifestyle items, heavy equipment, and scrap.

In addition to giving you the flexibility to sell your car, IBID can recommend you a higher price for your car, whatever its condition is. That said, IBID will always inspect each item before it is put up for auction.

The procedure is not limited to certain makes or models,  and will be carried out by experienced Astra Car Valuation (ACV) team inspectors. This team of specialists uses modern technologies with robust measuring tools to identify any defect in your unit.

If you are looking to consign your car with IBID, you can request the inspection service, available in many cities at IBID locations. The team can also make a visit to your home to do the inspection.

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Two Consignment Tiers at IBID

IBID consignment service is provided in two tiers: regular and exclusive. What sets them apart?

Exclusive Consignment

The tier is commonly referred to as the flash auction. While the service is now only offered for cars, it allows you to sell your car quickly from the comfort of your home. This auction takes place online via a live stream on the IBID app for a limited time.

With flash auctions, you can enjoy many perks, including a flexible schedule to decide when the auction should take place. If you live in Jakarta, the team can have your home as the venue for the auction. The inspectors will live-stream the auction. Potential buyers can also use the live chat feature to learn more about your car.

All the transaction happens online instead of by cash on delivery (COD). As for the consignment cost, you will only be charged 2.5% of the car’s price.

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Regular Consignment

In this second tier of the service, you need to take your car to a nearby IBID lot. Your car will be put up for direct sale under a fair and honest procedure.

Unlike flash auctions, you can consign vehicles and non-vehicle items in regular consignments, like gadgets, baby gear, and fashion items. 

Those are two tiers of consignment at IBID. To learn more, head to Get the IBID app now from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Check out the latest news from IBID @ibid_balailelangserasi on Instagram.
