Looking for Rental Cars for Your Company? Make Sure to Pick Ones Suitable for Your Operational Needs

Amidst the ever-fiercer business competition, an effective and efficient overhead budget is crucial in generating desired business outcomes. Such a budget includes operational vehicles for daily business activities.

For an efficient budget, many companies don’t buy vehicles for their business operation. Instead, they use vehicles from rental services.

The reason? They are free from the hassles of preparing a vehicle provision and maintenance budget. They don’t need to set up a new division to handle the operational vehicles.

This is because rental services provide vehicles along with their drivers, meaning an efficient operation for companies.

When renting vehicles, companies can also use cars of newer models. Furthermore, companies today can rent cars easily for flexible rental terms.

See also: Check Out These Tips for Choosing a Car Rental for Business

Be Smart in Choosing a Rental Car for Your Company, Here’s Why 

When renting a car for your company, there are some things to consider. First, the type of car you rent.

Be sure to rent cars that are suitable for your daily activities. It would help if you looked at the rental cost, too. Be sure you get the best rental cost for effective and efficient operational vehicle expenses.

Additionally, you must check the car’s condition and the driver because drivers are the ones in control of safe and comfortable trips.

Checking these is no walk in the park. That is why it is recommended to rent vehicles from reputable and credible rental services.

When it comes to a trustworthy rental company, TRAC is the answer. This car rental company is a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya, a part of Astra Group. It provides car and bus rentals.

TRAC offers transport solution services and excellent rental cars.

It provides well-maintained and new cars with modern features to make your trip comfortable and safe.

See also: Here Are the Exclusive Benefits of Renting a Car with a Driver

TRAC also provides cars with drivers for efficient company operation. Being professional and experienced drivers, they are also skilled in safe driving and trained in ethical standards of professional services. They apply the appropriate health protocols, as well.

TRAC offers all-around services, including 24-hour customer service. With the experience of over 34 years, TRAC has branch offices in all major cities in Indonesia, ensuring an easier car rental process.

TRAC delivers all its services with strict preventive measures for everyone who chooses them. In any business activity, TRAC implements its protocol called SMART.

SMART stands for Sanitize, Wear a Mask, and Ready to Go. Sanitize refers to sanitizing cars with disinfectants between uses, and Wear a Mask requires drivers and customers to wear masks. When those steps are completed, TRAC is Ready to Go to serve its customers.

See also: Renting a Car for Business, Profitable or Unprofitable?

TRAC always prioritizes health protocols in each of its services to ensure the health and safety of its customers in their mobility through various procedures for curbing the spread of COVID-19. Here is how the company strives to fulfill this commitment when renting out their vehicles to you:

  • We wash and sanitize our cars using disinfectant before and after each use.

  • We focus on hygiene in all operational and organizational processes, following the Hygienic and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS)

  • We always follow the physical distancing protocol when driving, per the applicable rules.

For more information about TRAC services, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Customer Assistance Center at 1500009 or send an email to Or, visit the official TRAC website
