How to Answer ’What Motivates You?’ Question in a Job Interview

For job seekers, the interview call is a highly anticipated moment. It’s an opportunity to shine and showcase your skills and competencies to prospective employers.

Like a first encounter with a potential partner, the interview opportunities should not be missed. You’ve been selected from countless applicants, so it’s essential to make a lasting impression to convince the company to hire you.

Preparing thoroughly for job interviews is of utmost importance. It’s like a two-edged sword: an engaging interview that runs smoothly indicates the recruiters’ growing interest in you. The same goes for the opposite.

During interviews, recruiters will ask various questions to understand the candidates better and assess their suitability for the job.

One common inquiry revolves around work motivation. There are no definite answers to that question. However, avoid falling into the trap by providing general or overly personal responses.

So, how can you effectively answer the ’what motivates you’ question in job interviews? Let’s check them out.

Tips for Answering Work Motivation Questions

When recruiters pose this question, they seek to perceive your qualities differently. It serves as a consideration to understand your career aspirations and potential contribution to the company. Drawn from multiple sources, here are some tips for answering work motivation questions.

Demonstrate Honesty and Authenticity

Provide honest and authentic responses about your work motivation. Avoid giving answers contradictory to reality that can compromise your credibility.

Align with Career Goals

Align your work motivation with the long-term career goals you have set. Explain how this job can actively contribute to realizing your aspirations and ambitions.

Emphasize Contribution

Articulate how this job represents an opportunity for you to impact the company positively. Mention relevant skills and experiences you can leverage.

Express Enthusiasm

Express your enthusiasm for what you find appealing about the job and how you’re genuinely passionate about its responsibilities.

Embrace Company’s Cultures

Before the interview, collect as much information as possible about the company, including their core values and cultures.

Highlight how these align with your principles. In doing so, the company will perceive you as a fitting candidate for the role.

Illustrate Specific Examples

Offer specific examples illustrating your motivation and dedication in previous positions. Share achievements or projects that genuinely make you proud because it’s related to your work motivation.

Avoid Predictable Answers

Avoid predictable or cliché responses like “I want to advance my career” or “I want to learn more.” Instead, provide tailored responses centered on the work aspects that drive your motivation.

Sample Answers for Work Motivation

From the tips explained earlier, here are a few relevant samples of work motivation answers for your reference during job interviews.

“This role always inspires me to be on a continuous learning journey and personal growth constantly. I believe by improving my skills and knowledge, I could make a more valuable contribution to the company and attain personal success.”

“I’m really excited about the company’s mission and values. I truly believe that my work should make a positive difference in people’s lives and communities. That’s what keeps me motivated and eager to work each day.”

“I’m highly enthusiastic to do this job with my strengths and capabilities.” I’m dedicated to consistently achieving excellent results, overcoming challenges, and creating new opportunities for myself and the company.”

“My main motivation comes from the satisfaction I feel when seeing the tangible results of my hard work. I find joy in effectively accomplishing tasks, finding solutions to challenges, and offering innovative ideas to my team and clients.”

During interviews, confidence is key when answering questions. Present your skills and abilities with poise and win over the recruiters, convincing them you’re the perfect candidate.

After learning all these tips, it is time to find the right job opportunities at an established company like PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA.

Founded on March 22, 1990, it has become the leader in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. Every year, this Astra Group's company welcomes new members to fill various positions at the company,

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website:, or you can click on this direct link:
