115 Years of Indonesian Auction, A Digitalized Auction for Growth

On the 115th anniversary of the Indonesian Auction, Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID) auction house was chosen as one of the interviewees. The Directorate General of State Assets Management (DJKN) held the event in Dhanapala Building, Central Jakarta, on July 18, 2023. 

The national anthem ‘Indonesia Raya’ was sung by all attendees to open the anniversary. Next was an interview with Rionald Silaban (Director General of State Assets Management), Joko Prihanto (Auction Director of DJKN), Daddy Doxa (President Director of IBID), and Denny (representative of JBA). 

During the interview, Daddy Doxa suggested, related to the online auction implementation in IBID, that the competition among the auction participants needs to be fairer and more equal. “IBID has digitalized the auction process since 2010 and transformed it into a full-online auction since 2020 to make it simpler and more transparent. IBID app is available for download in the App Store and Play Store. This online auction allows the participants to join the auction from anywhere across the country. It also provides a fairer opportunity for all participants to compete in purchasing the auction items,” he said.

“Aside from the transparent auction process, IBID implements car inspection called Astra Car Valuation (ACV) in collaboration with Toyota Group. Our reason for enhancing transparency is to promote safety for our potential clients and sellers. Car marketing with an auction system gives multiple benefits,” Daddy Doxa concluded his talk.

The event was closed with a vehicles auction from IBID, consisting of 3 four-wheeled vehicles (2019 Toyota Camry V, 2018 Toyota Alphard X, and 2018 Toyota Innova V, all with automatic transmission) and a two-wheeled vehicle (Vespa). All auction items were sold out.
