Using Your Car for Mudik?

Check Out These Components After Mudik 

Your car’s components must have worked harder during mudik, especially if your hometown is far away from your current residence and the roads you had to drive on were rocky, winding, or muddy.

To ensure that your car remains convenient and safe to drive after mudik, you have to check it. You need to check, among others,

the car’s bottom parts, exterior, interior, brakes, and engine. Anything found to be needing replacement during the checking must be replaced.

Here Are 7 Car Components To Check

1. Tires

You need to check your car’s tires to ensure their sidewalls are free from tears and cracks and their treads have enough depth.

These tires are like your car’s “legs” that are always in contact with the road surface. These “legs” have worked hard during your trip back to your hometown.

See also: Save the Pain by Paying Attention to These when Choosing a Used Car Dealership

2. Undercarriage

The next component to check is your car’s undercarriage. The goal is to ensure that there is no sludge, liquid, or dirt buildup on this component.

This sludge, liquid, or dirt will produce a chemical reaction that causes rust. While checking your car’s undercarriage, you must also check the bottom parts, including the shock absorbers, particularly their rubbery parts.

These rubbery parts reduce the transmission of vibrations and may turn brittle due to dirt buildup. Dirt buildup can also turn hoses or pipes, such as brake fluid pipes, brittle. Make sure that there is no leakage from these parts.

3. Instrument Panel

You can check this part by simply turning the key to the ON position. Then, pay attention to whether or not the indicator lights are illuminated. These lights signify errors on certain parts of the car.

Take action immediately if an indicator light illuminates. This swift action will ensure the relevant issue or problem does not get worse.

4. Engine Oil

Check if the engine oil level is significantly lower. If it is low, add more oil. Use a dipstick to check the oil level.

Or, if it is time to change the oil, immediately change it. You are recommended to check your car’s oil level as the engine has worked hard during your journey back home.

See also: Are Above 10 Year Old Cars Worth Purchasing? Check Out the This Information

5. Braking System Components

Check the brake fluid level and whether or not the pipe has a leakage. Additionally, you must ensure that the brake discs are still working properly.

6. Other Fluids

Be sure to check the radiator water, washer fluid, and power steering fluid. Add or replace them if necessary.

7. Car’s Cabin

You need to clean your car’s cabin to ensure it is free from dirt and foul odors and safe for your health.

If there is a buildup of dirt or dust in the cabin and you turn on the AC while you drive the car, you may inhale the dust or dirt.

See also: Check Out These Components Before Buying a Used Car

Those are the car’s components to check after mudik. These checks are necessary to ensure you can drive your car safely and comfortably.

If you are looking to buy a car after mudik, you must be careful as the cars circulating in the market are often sold by their owners without undergoing the necessary checks. Buying such a car will certainly put you at immense risk.

Thus, if you are interested in buying a used car, buy it at a reliable used car dealership. mobil88 is an example of such dealerships.

This is a used car dealership owned by PT Serasi Mitra Mobil (a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA). Certified and reliable inspectors have thoroughly inspected every used car sold by mobil88.

The inspection results serve as a reference used to guarantee the car’s condition, which will be informed to customers. The inspection results also determine the pricing; thus, a car is sold at a fair value. This way, you can get a used car of supreme quality at a good price.

With mobil88’s more than 30 years of experience, its systems and procedures are both professional and acclaimed. For more information about mobil88, visit its official website at
