Tips to Stay Motivated at Work After the Lebaran Holiday

The Lebaran holiday is the right time to take a break from your work life. You can spend it doing enjoyable activities, such as visiting travel destinations, having quality time with your family, and returning to your hometown (mudik).

This is the time to escape from the daily routine momentarily, to relax your mind and let yourself do whatever you want without the burden of work demands.

However, the holiday can be overindulging and you get stuck in your comfort zone. As a result, you tend to slack off and refuse to return to work enthusiastically after the Lebaran holiday.

This will certainly damage your career in the long term. Your supervisor might reprimand you for that. What’s worse, you might also lose your job because the company views you as no longer motivated to work.

It would be best to try these tips below to get your motivation back to work after the Lebaran holiday. Consistently doing these will likely raise your excitement to complete your tasks at work.

Five Tips to Stay Motivated at Work After the Lebaran Holiday

Make a Work Plan in Advance

One day before returning to the office, it won’t hurt to plan your work activities. This allows you to maintain your composure when work are piling up. Make notes of urgent matters for the day, such as pending documents requiring your supervisor’s approval or brainstorming meetings with your team members.

By planning a day before, you will have plenty of time to rest at home, allowing you to be fitter and more enthusiastic to go back to work.

Make a To-Do List

Level up your activity plan into a more structured one by making a to-do list. Doing this will make it easier for you to manage your time in completing the tasks.

You should prioritize urgent tasks first so they won’t miss the deadline. When they are completed, you can solely focus on doing other tasks without pressure.

You can also make a list of tasks to do based on their difficulties. Complete simple tasks first, as they don’t take much time to complete. This will be helpful if you consistently complete the tasks in the to-do list you made earlier.

Get to Work Early

If you often run late for work, try to arrive earlier at the office this time. Not only you still feel fresh in the morning, but you will also have more time to prepare things to do at work.

By following the to-do list, you will be ready to work on the tasks needed to be finished that day, so you can go home on time to rest and prepare for work the next day.

Listening to Music

You can listen to music to boost your mood and stay motivated at work. You can play your favorite radio or music playlist on your phone. Avoid listening to sad songs and play cheerful ones to raise your enthusiasm to work, instead.

Manage Your Time Wisely

It would be best if you worked on the high-priority tasks first to gradually release your workload. You can work on the rest the next day.

Resist the urge to compress one week’s worth of tasks into just one day as it is impossible. Make sure to leave the office on time. If necessary, set a reminder to remind you that it is time to go home.

Those are the tips for you to stay motivated at work after the Lebaran holiday. Staying motivated is necessary to complete your tasks on time as it reflects your work ethics

and your company’s positive culture in producing high-quality work results following the plan. That is also one of the things embraced by the employees at PT Serasi Autoraya, commonly known as SERA.

Founded on March 22, 1990, it has become the leader in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. Every year, this Astra Group’s company welcomes new members to fill various positions at the company,

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website:, or you can click on this direct link:
