Tips to Make Professional Lebaran Wishes for Colleagues

The holy month of Ramadhan has finally come to an end, meaning Eid al-Fitr is just around the corner. People call it the victory day after fasting for a whole month.

In the 2023 national calendar, Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on April 22-23, 2023. It means there are only two days left to prepare for Lebaran celebration needs, including Lebaranwishes for colleagues and co-workers.

The wishes usually contain words of apologies for past mistakes. They’re conveyed in various unique ways, such as verses, poems, or words of wisdom.

It would be best for you to convey well-written Lebaran wishes to avoid being ridiculed by your colleagues,especially if they are addressed to your supervisors or the CEO.

These are some professional Lebaran wishes recommended for you. You can also use English instead of Indonesian, especially if you work in a multinational company.

Recommended Lebaran2023 Wishes

Eid Message in Indonesian

  • Selamat Merayakan Idul Fitri 1444 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Minal Aidin wal faidzin. Kami mohon kesalahan kami selama bekerja dengan bapak/ibu diikhlaskan dan semoga kedepan kami bisa bekerja jauh lebih baik.

  • Ramadhan telah banyak melatih kami menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Semoga Idul Fitri kali ini jadi momentum bagi kami untuk bisa bekerja jauh lebih baik dibandingkan masa lalu. Selamat Idul Fitri 1444 H, Minal Aidin wal Faidzin.

  • Salam hangat dari kami yang telah banyak berbuat keliru di masa lalu. Mohon semua salah kami dimaafkan dan bapak/ibu berkenan membimbing kami menjadi jauh lebih baik. Selamat Idul Fitri 1444 H, Minal Aidin wal Faidzin.

  • Takbir, tahmid tahlil telah berkumandang. Memecah keheningan malam, mengantar rasa syukur padaNya. Esok pagi menyambut hari yang fitri. Selamat lebaran 1444 H. Taqaballahu minna wa minkum. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

  • Di hari kemenangan ini, semoga Allah memberkahi kehidupan bapak/ibu serta keluarga dengan kesuksesan dan kemuliaan. Saya ucapkan terima kasih karena sudah menjadi sosok yang bijaksana bagi saya. Selamat Idul Fitri!

  • Kemenangan setelah sebulan penuh berpuasa akhirnya datang. Selamat lebaran 1444 H! Semoga keberkahan selalu dilimpahkan Allah untuk kita semua.

  • Dengan ketulusan hati mendalam, mohon keikhlasannya untuk memafkan atas segala salah yang pernah terukirkan. Atas lisan yang sempat khilaf berucap atau perilaku yang selalu membuat luka. Semoga kita selalu dilimpahi keberkahan. Selamat hari raya idul fitri 1444 H.

Eid Message in English

  • Happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, we apologize physically and mentally. Minal Aidin wal faidzin. We ask that our mistakes while working with you be forgiven and hopefully in the future we can work much better.

  • Ramadan has trained us to be better human beings. May this Eid be a momentum for us to be able to work much better than in the past. Happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, Minal Aidin wal Faidzin.

  • Warm greetings from those of us who have made many mistakes in the past. Please forgive all our mistakes and guide us to be much better. Happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, Minal Aidin wal Faidzin.

  • Takbir, tahmid tahlil have been reverberating. Breaking the silence of the night, sending gratitude to Him. Tomorrow morning welcomes the day that is fitri. Happy Eid 1444 H. Taqaballahu minna wa minkum. We apologise physically and mentally.

  • On this day of victory, may Allah bless the lives of you and your family with success and glory. I thank you for being a wise person to me. Happy Eid Mubarak!

  • Victory after a whole month of fasting has finally come. Happy Eid 1444 H! May Allah's blessings always be bestowed upon all of us.

  • With deep sincerity, please forgive for all the mistakes that have been carved. For the words that have been misspoken or the behaviour that has always made wounds. May we always be blessed. Happy Eid al-Fitr 1444 H.

You can use those Lebaranwishes to sound more professional and classier. Hopefully, in the Eid al-Fitr celebration that is full of blessings, we can forgive each other for past mistakes and strengthen the friendships among colleagues to reach our shared goals. 

It also reflects the company’s positive culture of consistently prioritizing collaboration in our work. That is also one thing PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA embraced.

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SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

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