General Introduction to the Implementation of HSE at the Customs and Excise Base Operating Support Type B in Tanjung Priok

Serasi Autoraya (SERA) had the chance to deliver teaching materials at an event at the Customs and Excise Base Operating Support (PSO) Type B in Tanjung Priok on February 21st, 2023. The event was titled General Introduction to the Implementation of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Processes and was attended by 50 PSO employees. This event was part of SERA’s Corporate Social Responsibility program called SERA Cerdas. It supports the fourth point of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ensuring inclusive and equitable education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The materials delivered were about the implementation of HSE to ensure the seamlessness of activities at the workplace. After the event, the employees are expected to protect and maintain their and others’ safety at the workplace, ensure the safe and efficient use of all production resources, and contribute to improving the national welfare and productivity through HSE implementation.

“We thank Mister Suaidy, the Head of Tanjung Priok Customs and Excise PSO, for allowing SERA to deliver materials on the General Introduction of the Implementation of HSE. We hope the materials delivered are understood and implemented during the daily activities,” said Agus Supriyadi, the Head of the Health Safety Environment System & Crisis Management Plan Department.
