Ban on Logistics Transport to Be Imposed Ahead of the Peak of Mudik

Logistics Vehicles are Banned during the Peak of Mudik

Through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), the government imposes a regulation banning freight transport during the peak of mudik to celebrate Lebaran from 18-21 April 2023. The regulation also applies during the counter-exodus from 29-30 April and 1 May 2023 if required.

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According to the Director General of Land Transportation of Kemenhub, Hendro Sugiatno, it is enforced to make the mudik and counter-exodus trips smooth, safe, and convenient.

“However, freight transport carrying staple foods, fuels (BBM), fertilizer, and motorbikes for mudik is allowed to operate,” he said recently.

On the other hand, freight transport allowed to operate last year may not operate during mudik and counter-exodus this year, such as those carrying exported and imported goods from or to ports, bottled water, post and money, and livestock.

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In response to the policy implementation plan, Acting (Plt) Director General of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) Kasan would like the plan reconsidered.

He hoped all stakeholders would reconsider the time and goods that may not be transported.

“Therefore, the policymaking will benefit the businesspeople and will not result in price hike,” he said in an official statement released in Jakarta recently.

Ban on Logistics Transport is Expected not to Disrupt the Economy Ahead of Lebaran

In addition, said Kasan, the ban can affect the economy. In a meeting with related ministries/government agencies (K/L), he hoped for a change to the plan to ban logistics transport during Lebaran 2023.

This fact shows the importance of freight transport for the national economy. Logistics shipment is not merely transporting goods from one place to the other. Its punctuality and volume can affect economic growth.

For this reason, a policy on the logistics sector is sensitive. The accuracy of decision-making and the ability to analyze the benefits and negative impacts should also be considered in making the right decision.

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Choose a High-Quality Logistics Company

However, if you want more practicality and efficiency in logistics, you can leave that to logistics companies that are trusted, reputable, and credible.

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SELOG is here to serve the needs of customers in end-to-end logistics through a series of diverse services, including Contract Logistics, Shipping Services, Shipping Agency, Freight Forwarding, Warehouse and Yard Management, and Courier Services.

SELOG services are supported by cutting-edge digital technology, making customers’ businesses easier, more effective, and more efficient.

With its Astra Fleet Management Solution (FMS), SELOG provides businesses in Indonesia with IT-based comprehensive solutions for managing fleet vehicles.

To learn more about SERA’s profile and its services, including SELOG, visit its official website at
