Deemed More Profitable, Many Cars Sold through Auction Ahead of Lebaran

Pre-Lebaran Period Sees Increasing Demand of Used Car

The time before Lebaran is always full of blessings, including for those who want to sell their cars.

A car is one of the assets that is easy to be sold. This is especially for you who need additional funds for Lebaran.

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During Ramadan, people tend to buy a new car for their mudik trip or replace their old car with a new one.

Ahead of Lebaran, usually sees the rising demand for used cars due to the consumers’ high demand and purchasing power, especially after they receive Religious Holiday Allowance (THR).

If you are considering selling your car, this is the right time. Your car will be especially in high demand if it is an SUV or MPV,

because they have 5 to 7-seater, making them suitable for mudik trips.

Lebaran is the time for many people to buy a new car, either to replace their old car or to give it away to their family members. So, there will always be people who are interested in your car.

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The Best Time for Selling Cars

Selling cars ahead of Lebaran is claimed to be more profitable because the available stocks of cars are less than the demand. This causes used cars price to be more expensive at such time.

Cars will be sold at more competitive prices because of the high demand. So used cars price, especially those from the favorite brands, will rise. 

This is certainly more profitable than selling your cars after Lebaran because, at that time, the availability of used cars is usually much larger than the demand.

So, the price tends to drop. In addition, the consumers usually sell their used cars after Lebaran. You can use the money from selling your car to buy necessities for Lebaran. You usually need a lot of money during this holiday, especially when you have a big family. 

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However, you need to meet several requirements, so your used car can be sold quickly. Avoid selling your used car to unknown used car dealers because used car transaction scams are rampant these days. 

Sell Your Used Cars at mobil88

If you want your car to be sold quickly, mobil88 is the solution. You can sell your car quickly and easily at mobil88.

At mobil88, you can get a quality used car, which can also be sold quickly. It takes only an hour to sell your car at mobil88.

Your car will be assessed professionally by mobil88’s appraisal team. They will inspect your car and determine the recommended price based on your car’s condition.

See also: These are the Components You Have to Check Before Buying a Used Car

You will receive money through a bank transfer within 24 hours once the price is determined. All this process can be done quickly if you meet all the requirements, such as a copy of your identity card (KTP) and NPWP/SIUP/SP Hak (for company only).

Your car documents are surely necessary, such as STNK, Invoices/Form A, BPKB, Manual Book, and Spare Key. Add the Leasing Contract if your car is still in the credit period.

Throughout the process of selling your car, you don’t need to pay any fee. Starting from the inspection to the payment, all steps are done transparently.

With over 34 years of experience, mobil88’s systems and procedures are professional and acclaimed. The company now has 20 branches throughout Indonesia’s major cities, including Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar.

Check the detailed mobil88’s showroom locations in this website

So, do you want to sell your used car? Sell your used car to mobil88 now and get additional funds with a quick and easy process!

For more information about mobil88, visit its official website at
