Tips on Choosing a Tour Bus for Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran

Things to Consider When Renting a Tour Bus for Mudik

Renting a bus for mudik to celebrate lebaran with friends from the same hometown or relatives has now become an option. It is more practical and efficient. Besides, it fosters togetherness.

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Moreover, many transport companies, particularly those without designated routes such as tour buses, now provide rent buses. As the regulator, the government also legalizes it.

Suharto, the Director of Road Transport at the Ministry of Transportation, recently said that intercity and interprovincial (AKAP) buses are prioritized during the mudik season. They have definite designated routes and destinations as a means of public transport.

See also: Before Renting a Bus, Find Out More about Its Safety

“However, if no AKAP bus is available, a bus without a designated route, such as a tour bus, may be used. Even those who want to go on a mudik trip may rent it as long as it is roadworthy and obtains an incidental permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation,” said Suharto.

Roadworthiness is particularly related to safety which officials from the Ministry of Transportation or the Transportation Agency check. It is a must, and it is nonnegotiable.

Ahmad Wildan, a Senior Investigator at the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), also emphasized roadworthiness. He urged the public to pay more careful attention and consider the safety and roadworthiness of the bus they want to rent.

“Theoretically speaking, bus roadworthiness lasts for five to eight years. Nonetheless, many companies repaint their buses and add accessories so that the buses look new. Watch out for this. Without roadworthiness, a bus can pose a serious risk, such as an accident. Thus, do not be swayed by low rents,” he said when contacted in Jakarta on Saturday (1/4/2023).

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Choose a Reliable Bus Tour Company

To ensure that a rental bus is safe, you must check all of its parts, including the exterior and interior. In addition, you must check the validity of the permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation for the bus. You also need to look for information on the track record and credibility of the bus rental company.

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Digital track records can easily be found on the Internet by seeking news on whether buses provided by the company were once involved in an accident or are often involved in accidents.

However, you can avoid the trouble by renting a bus from a trusted transport company such as TRAC. A part of Astra Group, the bus rental company offers safe and comfortable bus fleets. The company regularly maintains and inspects its bus fleets to ensure they are safe and comfortable.

With over 30 years of experience in Indonesia, TRAC is reputable for providing comfortable and safe buses. Its professional drivers are qualified and certified. In addition, they implement strict health protocols.

See also: Choose a Safe and Comfortable Charter Bus for Vacation, Don’t Be Swayed by Low Prices

TRAC offers a variety of options, from small and medium buses to big and luxury buses.  You can choose from an 11-seater to a 59-seater bus.

To give additional benefits to its customers, some buses even come with Wi-Fi, LCD TV, bathroom, karaoke machine, as well as kitchen countertop and pantry. Every TRAC bus is equipped with glass breakers, emergency exits, and fire extinguishers.

TRAC rental bus service is available not only in Jakarta, but also in Surabaya, East Java. You can book the service easily using TRACtoGo, available on Play Store and App Store.

You can also contact the Customer Assistance Center (CAC) at 1500009 or send an email to or visit the official website at
