Here's What the Government Is Doing to Overcome the Vehicle Surge

Here are the Government’s Measures to Deal with the Surging Number of Vehicles during Mudik to Celebrate Lebaran

Long before the Lebaran holiday begins, the government has anticipated the surging number of travelers and vehicles during the mudik (exodus) and counter-exodus seasons to celebrate the holiday from 18 April to 1 May 2023. Ministries and agencies continued their intensive coordination

as the number of mudik travelers is predicted to soar this year. In 2021 and 2022, mudik was banned due to the Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to prevent Covid-19 from spreading.

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A recently released survey by the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) of the Ministry of Transportation shows that 123.8 million travelers are predicted to go on mudik trips in 2023. 27.32 million of them, or 22.7 percent, will use private cars for mudik.

“We have prepared to be ready and have time to improve," Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said recently in Jakarta.

According to PT Jasa Marga (Persero), the operator of toll roads used by mudik travelers, the number of vehicles passing through four main tollgates, i.e., Cikupa, Ciawi, Cikampek Utama, and Kalihurip Utama, is predicted to surge this year, higher than the number last year. The number of vehicles leaving Jabodetabek is predicted to be 2.2 million or rise by 2.8%.

On the other hand, 2.3 million vehicles are projected to enter Jabodetabek. The number increases by 1.4% compared to the mudik season of 2022.

Conducting Traffic Engineering on Several Roads

Considering the predicted surge of vehicles on the toll road to Semarang, Menhub said he would continue coordinating intensively with Korlantas Polri, the Ministry of PUPR, the Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT), PT Jasa Marga, and other relevant stakeholders.

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It aims to prepare traffic engineering management, such as contra flow systems, one-way arrangements, freight transportation restrictions, etc.

“We work closely as a team and are preparing several measures, including a Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) to determine the time for traffic engineering, implemented on the ground by Korlantas Polri," said Budi Karya Sumadi.

The government also added and improved road infrastructure by improving and broadening roads, building more rest areas and road markings, etc. Those who want to use private cars are urged to manage their time well to make their journey comfortable.

“Start the mudik trip earlier and avoid the peak of mudik and counter-exodus. So, there will be a distribution of vehicle mobility, and there will not be a surge in one day," added Menhub.

Based on the data from the survey conducted BKT Kemenhub and facts about every previous mudik season, the roads are heavily congested. It must pose higher risks.Traffic congestion, fatigue due to traffic jams, and sudden changes in the weather can decrease alertness. Thus, you must understand the traffic, prepare to stay fit, and prepare your vehicle.

Car Rental is the Transportation of Choice for Lebaran Homecoming

If you have no time to prepare your vehicle, renting a car to go on a mudik trip with friends or relatives from your hometown is best. It is safer, more convenient, and more efficient.

However, you need the best and trusted rental company. As a trusted rental company, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) provides solutions for you. 

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A part of Astra Group, it provides car and bus rental services. Under the TRAC brand, the company offers transport solutions and excellent rental cars.

With over 32 years of experience, customers still trust SERA as it provides safe transportation services. It provides safe and comfortable rental cars. In addition, its operators (drivers and crew members) are certified and highly skilled.

Since 1990, the subsidiary of Astra International in the transportation sector has provided car rental (TRAC) and logistics services (SELOG), car auctions (IBID), and used cars (mobil88). These lines of business prove that SERA runs a successful business and is trusted.

SERA also provides comprehensive transportation solutions using advanced information technology through the features under Astra Fleet Management Solution (FMS). Thus, transportation can be managed effectively, efficiently, and safely.

Astra FMS has proven effective for various lines of business operated by SERA, where several features enable customers to manage transportation easily. They can monitor vehicles in a real-time manner, minimize downtime, analyze driver performance, and improve the efficiency of vehicle operating costs.

To learn more about SERA and its excellent services, visit its official website at
