Check Out These Tips to Prevent Work from Piling Up Before You Take a Mudik Trip

Before Lebaran, many employees usually plan to take their mudik trips. This is especially true for emigrant workers who try their best not to miss this mudik moment,because this is the time to reunite with their family members.

However, one responsibility should not be left behind before going on the trip: letting the work pile up. Not only will it make you look unprofessional, but it can also cause you to feel uneasy throughout your Lebaran holiday.

Thus, finishing all your tasks and responsibilities is better so your supervisor can approve your Lebaran leave.

You can try applying these tips to prevent work from piling upso you can comfortably take a break from your work life to enjoy the holiday.

Four Tips to Prevent Work from Piling Up

Make a To-Do List

Be more structured in your work life by making a to-do list. Doing this will make it easier to manage your time completing the tasks.

You should prioritize urgent tasks first so they won’t miss the deadline. When they are completed, you can solely focus on doing other tasks without pressure.

You can also make a list of tasks to do based on their difficulties. Complete simple tasks first, as they don’t take much time to complete. This will be helpful if you consistently complete the tasks in the to-do list you made earlier.

Avoid Multitasking

The next tip is to always focus on one task first. If you are accustomed to working on several tasks simultaneously, this time, try to avoid working that way.

It will be useless if you have made your to-do list but don’t stick to it. Multitasking might be a cool way to work, but it might also be the culprit of your unfinished tasks.

Don’t be Easily Distracted

The easiest way to avoid distraction while working is by keeping away distractive things, such as cell phones or social media.

Doing that will allow you to focus on your tasks so you can finish them quickly. One of the reasons behind piling up work is being easily distracted, whether you believe it or not.

So, avoid doing it again when you have a lot of tasks to do. You can first keep your cell phone in your bag or the drawer of your desk, so you don’t get distracted by things unrelated to work.

Take a Short Break

Despite the demanding work, remember to take a short break! This is important to recharge your energy due to the large workload.

You can do so by stretching or walking around your office area to get fresh air. If you are feeling better, you can return and finish your work.

It will do you no good forcing yourself to work while you are tired because you won’t be able to focus on your work. After all, keeping your physical and mental health must be your priority.

Those are several ways to prevent work from piling up before you go on a mudik trip. Finishing your work is necessary as it reflects your responsibility and work ethics

and your company’s positive culture in producing high-quality work results following the plan. That is also one of the things embraced by employees at PT Serasi Autoraya, commonly known as SERA.

Founded on March 22, 1990, it has become the leader in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. Every year, this Astra Group’s company welcomes new members to fill various positions at the company,

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website:, or you can click on this direct link:
