Renting a Car for Business, Profitable or Unprofitable?

For entrepreneurs or companies, cars or other operational vehicles are among the most important assets for implementing business activities. This vehicle is more than just a means of transportation that supports the business; it is also necessary for carrying out activities to achieve business goals.

However, entrepreneurs or companies often face the dilemma of buying or renting operational vehicles. This is not an easy decision to make, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

See also: Be Smart in Choosing a Rental Car for Your Company, Here’s Why

It Is More Profitable for Companies to Rent a Car for Business Operations

A careful calculation shows that using a rental vehicle is more profitable. A rental vehicle is also more flexible because entrepreneurs or companies will only rent it as needed for a certain period.

Therefore, they do not need to allocate a large budget for purchasing and maintaining vehicles. In other words, they do not have to worry about annual tax, regular maintenance at the repair shop, and replacement of damaged components due to usage. All costs will be borne by the car rental company.

See also: Four Benefits of Renting a Car for Your Business

In addition, there is no need to hire drivers. By renting a car, companies will get a rental car and a professional driver. Hence, the company will not have to pay for driver training, and its operating activities will be more effective and efficient.

Choose a Reputable Car Rental Company

All these great advantages are not easy to get. Proper planning is needed before deciding to rent a car for business. Choosing a car rental company with high credibility and reliability is also a must.

Regarding these business needs and principles, TRAC provides the answer.

This subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya, part of Astra Group, offers complete transportation solutions, including 24hr customer service. With the experience of over 30 years, TRAC has branch offices in all major cities in Indonesia.

See also: A Professional Driver Is Key to a Convenient Car Rental Service

TRAC provides drivers who not only possess advanced driving skills, but are also certified in defensive driving. Besides having experience and safety driving certification, TRAC’s drivers are equipped with service ethical standards for customers.

TRAC delivers all of its services with strict preventive measures for everyone who chooses their services. In any business activity, TRAC implements its protocol called SMART,

which stands for Sanitize, Wear a Mask, and Ready to Go. Sanitize means sanitizing cars with disinfectants between uses, while Wear a Mask requires both drivers and customers to wear a mask. When these two steps are completed, TRAC will be Ready to Go to serve its customers.

See also: With or Without a Driver, Only Use a Reliable Rental Car Service

Below are the steps taken by TRAC:

  • We wash and sanitize our cars using disinfectant before and after each use

  • We focus on hygiene in all operational and organizational processes, following the Hygienic and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS)

  • We always follow the physical distancing protocol when driving, in line with the applicable rules.

It is also easy to get TRAC services. You can use the TRACtoGo app on your smartphone. You can also reach out to Customer Assistance Center at 1500009 or send an email to

For more information about TRAC’s car rental services, please visit the official website
