Save Yourself From Future Problems, Check And Authenticate the Documentation of a Used Car When Buying One

Make sure you buy a used car with valid documents and no loan payment issues

The police recently has arrested a criminal group that sold used cars with fake legality documents such as Title and Registration Papers (BPKB) and Vehicle Registration Certificates (STNK), despite the fact that the cars sold were not stolen vehicles.

See also: Trading In Your Used Car? Leave It to the Professionals!

It turned out that the cars, despite having excellent conditions and engines, had non-performing loan issues. Then, the scammers bought the cars from various regions across the country and forged the documents, both the BPKB and STNK, before selling them sold at market prices.

From this case, it is clear that buying a used car is not as simple as merely inspecting the physical state of the bodywork and the engine performance. Complete and authentic car documentation is another very important aspect. 

To avoid problems that can drain your energy and mind, it is very wise that you choose the right used cars trade-in dealership. And talking about a trusted dealership for used car trade-ins, mobil88 is definitely your solution.

See also: Here’s How to Buy a Quality Used Car

With over 32 years of experience in used car trade-ins, mobil88 is a trusted quality used-car dealership in Indonesia, currently having 21 dealers across 20 major cities in the country.

At mobil88, we guarantee that any used car you buy has never had an accident, has never been caught in floods, is free from any odometer fraud, and has authentic and complete documentation, with chassis number and engine number matching those listed in the documents.

See also: Safe and Easy Way to Buy a Car on Credit!

In addition, you can also trade in your car at mobil88, regardless of the brand or model. The process is swift; it only takes an hour to sell your car and buy a new one!

Plus, mobil88 gives you convenience and comfort in making transactions.  It even provides a digital platform, the mo88i (read: mobee) , where you can easily sell your used car digitally within one hour. This proves that the platform is safe and reliable for you to hunt for quality used cars. Simply download the mo88i app on Google Play Store orApple App Store, and experience firsthand the ease of finding used cars at mo88i.

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