Sharing Ramadan’s Blessings, SERA Distributes 468 Sembako Packages To Communities

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) and its subsidiaries are spreading happiness to those in need this blessed Ramadan to demonstrate their commitment to local communities. SERA Group is distributing 468 sembako (staple food) packages to communities across Jakarta as part of this corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.

Taking place on April 23–29, 2022, the program was widely welcomed by the beneficiaries. The packages include essential household items such as 5 kg of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, and 1 kg of table sugar, and are distributed directly to local communities and orphanages, as well as those who have contributed to the group, such as janitors and gardeners.

This aid distribution was well organized without drawing a crowd. Everyone involved was required to wear a mask, wash their hands, keep a safe distance, and minimize any physical contact while strict preventive measures were put in place.

In line with Astra’s commitment to adding value to the community and the nation, SERA hopes that the program will bring joy and ease the burden on the community this Ramadan, especially given the ongoing pandemic.
