Activate This Feature to Automatically Win Auctions

Today, used vehicles can be brought from different places. Private owners or vehicle showrooms are not always the only option. This is especially true for those who hunt vehicles at low prices or of rare editions. Auctions have also become a trend in vehicle sales these days. Auction processes are increasingly made easier, just as you can find in IBID's platform.

Established in 2007, Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID) is one of the most trusted auction houses. As an auction house under the Astra group, IBID always creates innovations in its auction services, process, and items. 

However, it’s not uncommon for potential participants to be confused by the auction process. At the very least, they are reluctant to attend a live auction and compete fiercely with other bidders. It gets even worse if they fail to win.

See also: The Must-Know Reason Why Used Car Prices At Auction Houses Can Be Cheaper

Online Auctions Make Participation Easier

Such a situation is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic, where many people conduct all their activities online, including auction participation. Thanks to the online process, participating in auctions at IBID is even easier and more profitable compared to other auction houses. 

In addition to being able to take part in online auctions via website and application, for your convenience as a customer, you can even automatically win auctions without having to continuously monitor the current situation.

Use the Auto Bid Feature

The feature is called Auto Bid. This option is available if you don't have much time on your hands. Since the auction process is usually performed live or in real-time, it is obviously troublesome for you to have to keep on monitoring the process.

This feature allows you to bid on your target vehicle even before the auction begins. Undoubtedly, this will be carried out by a system that will automatically place a higher bidding price, until it reaches the maximum number you have previously specified (Bid Limit) for the specific item. This process is carried out based on the live auction schedule.

Here’s how to do it. First, open the IBID application, then select the target item. Afterwards, enter the maximum amount you’re willing to pay to win the selected unit. From here on, the IBID system automatically places bids on your behalf up to the maximum number. If someone outbids you, a notification will appear directly on your device or account. In other words, it alerts you to act quickly and enter the next bidding price.

See also: Selling Cars Fast? Try Flash Auction at IBID Auction House

This way, you don't have to worry about losing in auctions, and you don’t have to thoroughly monitor the process. Performing live auctions on the website also eliminates the risk of overcrowded activities, thus removing your doubts about participating in it. You can also read in detail about the condition of the auctioned vehicle or item lots, including the photographs of their physical condition.

When participating in IBID auctions, you don’t have to worry about vehicle issues as each vehicle in the IBID auction list has been previously inspected with the Astra Car Valuation (ACV), a scientific vehicle inspection system carried out by experts. Thus, the results of vehicle inspections are more accurate. In addition, you can also view the vehicle inspection reports on the vehicle’s detail page on the IBID website and application. 

Let’s take part in car auctions at IBID now! Visit
