Pay Attention to These Things When Driving in Heavy Rain

Pay Attention to These Things When Driving in Heavy Rain

Driving a car does require full skill and concentration, especially when you are driving during heavy rain. Because as we all know, when heavy rain comes, the road becomes slippery, the sight becomes short, and any surrounding sounds cannot be heard clearly.

Reduce Speed Periodically to Avoid Slipping

Reducing car’s speed when driving in the midst of a heavy rain is a very wise thing you can do, because the wet road can certainly make the car more risky to slip and result in accidents. Wet pavements can cause the tires to lose traction and make the vehicle more difficult to control.

It's best to reduce the speed of the car and drive slowly. So, to slow down the car, obviously, use your brake, particularly if your car is an automatic transmission.

Maintain Your Safe Distance

When it rains, the visibility is automatically reduced. In order to avoid accidents, you should keep your car at a distance from other vehicles in front of you. This is very important because when someone suddenly slams on the brake, you can still have enough distance to stop. This is important because wet roads will also automatically increase your car's braking distance compared to when it is dry.

For cars with manual transmission, slowing down the vehicle by shifting gears or engine brakes cannot be the main thing to do. This is because sudden gear shifts can make tires slip. This is the reason why it is important to check the brake device before driving.

What’s more, the monsoon also sometimes brings floods, so you need to always be aware of the road conditions you are traveling on. This is because if the car has been flooded, the repair costs incurred will be crazy high. That's why the price used cars which experienced floods always fall.

If you’re looking for a used car, try not buying one that experienced flood. To find out the characteristics of a used car that experienced floods, you can immediately check the following link: Beware of Buying a Used Car that Experienced Floods, Make Sure to Buy at a Trusted Dealer.
