Implementation of the Contraflow Scheme in Cipularang Toll

PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk has started to carry out a traffic engineering trial using the contraflow scheme in Cipularang Toll. As Jasa Marga will conduct a road work in Km 118+600 of the toll, which has been affected by landslide, such measure is taken to anticipate the traffic jam that might ensue.

Landslide caused by heavy rainfall in West Bandung Regency has affected the road in Cipularang Toll. The landslide point in Km 118+600 of Cipularang Toll heading to Jakarta is less than 10 meters from the road. It is feared that the spot will disrupt the traffic along the road.

Traffic engineering is carried out so that drivers can stay safe and to ensure that the surrounding road is not adversely affected by the landslide. A trial of the contraflow system will be conducted by the Purbaleunyi branch of Jasa Marga as the toll road manager. The branch will coordinate with the local police force to implement the scheme, starting from Km 120+000 to Km 118+600 of Cipularang Toll heading to Jakarta.

When the contraflow scheme is applied, lane 2 of the existing road will be reserved for large vehicles. Small vehicles (category I) will be directed to the contraflow lane. 

Traffic engineering in Km 118+600 of Cipularang Toll

Alternative 1, traffic diversion from Bandung to Jakarta. Small vehicles belonging to category I and buses can still drive through Purbaleunyi toll road. Vehicles belonging to category II to V will exit at Padalarang Timur Toll Gate. They will be diverted through the route of Parahyangan – Padalarang – Cikalong Wetan – Jatiluhur Toll Gate – Jakarta.

Alternative 2, from Bandung to Jakarta, small vehicles belonging to category I and buses can still drive through Purbaleunyi toll. Vehicles belonging to category II to V that can’t go through Purbaleunyi toll will be diverted through the route of Padalarang – Cipatat – Cianjur – Puncak – Ciawi heading to Jakarta.

Alternative 3, from Bandung to Jakarta, all vehicles can drive through Purbaleunyi toll. Small vehicles belonging to category I heading to Jakarta will enter through the crossing at Km 124 to Km 115,800, and contraflow will be implemented in roadway A. Large vehicles belonging to category II to V can still drive through roadway B in lane 2 until they pass the landslide point. Vehicles belonging to any categories originating from Jakarta and heading to Bandung can still use roadway A without contraflow (using the shoulder of the road and slow lane up to Km 124).

Jasa Marga has prepared safety signs and personnel to direct the traffic in Cipularang toll. Road work to repair the impact of landslide in Cipularang Toll will be conducted situationally in accordance with the traffic condition. The road work will be stopped in the event of heavy traffic, especially on the weekend.

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing predicted that it would take 10 days until the repair process can be completed.
