How to Use the Emergency Lane in Toll Road

Toll roads typically have an emergency lane on the far left of the road. It is often called the shoulder of the road. The shoulder is meant to be used as an emergency stopping lane. However, in reality, there are still many toll road users who use it as an alternative road when they get stuck in traffic.

There is a way to stay safe in the emergency lane, especially for yourself and other vehicles. If your car is having problems, it's best to slow down as soon as possible and activate the hazard lights. All the while, you need to carefully steer the vehicle to the shoulder on the far left.

When you stop on this emergency lane, you should not turn off the hazard lights. If the lights stay on, other cars behind you will know that your vehicle is having problems on the shoulder of the road. Then, you have to place down a warning triangle, which must always be present on your car. The placement of a warning triangle behind the vehicle is in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

How to Set Up the Warning Triangle

There is a proper way to set up the warning triangle. You should not place it down arbitrarily. When setting up a warning triangle, you must do so while taking into account the road conditions and the average speed of passing vehicles. The reason for that is to give other drivers the opportunity to analyze your whereabouts and to react when needed.

On a non-toll road, you should place the warning triangle at least 30 meters behind the vehicle. Such distance is sufficient to warn vehicles with an average speed of 60 km/hour. Why 30 meters? If a vehicle is traveling at 60 km/hour and the driver suddenly pulls the break after identifying the triangle, it would take roughly 32-34 meters before the vehicle stops.

However, on a toll road, you should set up the triangle at least 50 meters behind your vehicle. That’s because the average speed of cars on the toll road is usually 80 km/hour. Vehicles traveling at 80 km/hour need a distance of 44-45 meters to come to a stop after noticing the warning triangle.

When your car stops on the shoulder of the road, in addition to determining the distance to set up the warning triangle,  you must ensure that the passengers do not wander behind the car or on the right side of the car that is parallel to the road. 

If there are passengers who get off the vehicle to wait, they better wait at the front and on the left side of the car. That way, your passengers can stay safe while waiting without disturbing other toll road users, which can be dangerous for everyone. 

Toll roads or highways are very important infrastructures in the transportation system of all countries, including Indonesia. Speaking of transportation systems, here are "5 countries that have the best transportation systems in the world".
