IBID – Do You Want to Buy a Car in 2020? Just Join an Auction in IBID

The new year will come soon. Resolutions must be prepared. There is no harm in including buying a car as a resolution in 2020, because manufacturers usually will offer large discounts.

At the end of the year, dealerships usually clear the stocks of cars that have not been sold in that year, especially since dealerships will get stocks of the latest cars the next year. To stimulate people’s purchasing power, dealerships often give attractive promos, such as cashback, affordable installment plan, and lottery prize.

No need to lose heart when you could not buy a car during Eid al-Fitr. The beginning of the year can also be another good moment for buying a car. “Every car manufacturer will launch their latest cars at the beginning of the year. So, the manufacturers will aggressively promote their latest products by offering various attractive promos,” wrote (March 31, 2018).

Even though it becomes a resolution, buying a car does not necessarily means buying a new one. Buying a used car can also be an alternative; for example, through auctions that get increasingly easy to do and come with various benefits, such as more affordable prices and bulk purchase option for reselling purpose.

Through the auctions, you can learn about the condition of the car you want in detail, because the auction house will transparently provide detailed data of the auctioned cars. “The auction house will not hide the weaknesses of the vehicles that will be auctioned, whether they had been submerged in flood or involved in a crash,” said (September 8, 2019).

Usually, the basic prices of auctioned vehicles will be cheaper than market prices in general. This will benefit those who still have other priorities in the new year.

Used car auction is becoming a better alternative with online system. IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, for example. Its online bidding system allows bidders to participate in an auction in real time without having to go to the auction location. However, the online bidders can make bids at the same time with the bidders in the location.

IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi President Director Daddy Doxa Manurung explained that the system they offer is a hybrid system. If bidders previously can only choose on the website, now they can join the bidders on location. “So, they make bids at the same time," Doxa said (, May 9, 2019).

With the new feature called IBID Live Auction, it is much easier for buyers to look for the cars they want. They only need gadgets to join an auction. They can do it at home or in their workplace.

On IBID’s website and app, Market Auction Price (MAP) is also available. The feature gives information to the bidders about the market prices of each car. “This is so that bidders can find out whether the price has gone too high or not,” Doxa said.

Another feature provided is Astra Car Valuation (ACV), which is a scientific inspection. Bidders will get all the data and the history of the cars based on the results of inspections that are conducted transparently, accurately, and comprehensively.

Established in 2007, IBID makes the effort to conduct digital transformation. Anyone — both companies and individuals — can join auctions, either to buy in bulk or in unit, offline or online.

IBID routinely holds auctions every week in more than 10 large cities, and currently it has held auctions in more than 30 cities in Indonesia. As of the end of 2016, around 27,000 four-wheeled vehicles were sold through more than 500 auctions every year.

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