Driving Safely with Free Road Assistance Service

As owners of cars, especially used cars, it is better if we know how to anticipate emergency situations, for example, leaky tire or flat tire, or even car refusing to move because of weak battery. 

The first thing you can do is to prepare important tools that can help you in emergency situations, for example, water. Not only humans, water is also important for cars. For instance, when the radiator or the wipers run out of water.

“Bring clean water in a four-liter jerrycan. You can also make use of three bottles of 1.5-liter packaging of bottled water,” wrote (June 14, 2018).

Another tool that you can bring is light bulb. You should bring reserve light bulbs in case the car’s headlamps burn out in the middle of traveling. Bring light bulbs that match the wattage set by the car’s manufacturer. Generally, the standard wattage is 60/55 watts.

Then, duct tape. This tool has several functions, including to patch a leaky radiator component. Make sure you get a new component as soon as possible. Only use duct tape for emergency situations.

Most importantly, bring flashlight. This tool can be a source of light in emergency situations, especially at night. The lighting from flashlight will be better than from the lighting from handphone, let alone lighter that may cause fire. Get a tactical flashlight with high lumens, between 800 to 2,000 lumens.

Not only preparing tools, car owners must routinely conduct maintenance, especially for used cars. There is no wrong in setting aside some money from the car purchase budget for maintenance budget.

Problems most often occur to cars older than five years old. For instance, the ignition system does not work perfectly and there is a problem in injecting fuel into the combustion chamber, which causes difficulties in starting the car engine.

However, it does not mean that buying a used car will require a lot of money for maintenance or for preparation in facing emergency situations. Used car showroom, mobil88, for example, provides 24-hour Free Emergency Road Assistance (ERA) service for a year for Toyota and Daihatsu cars.

ERA is a 24-hour help service for mobil88 customers. During emergency situations, like car breaking down or getting damaged, customers will get help.

There are two kinds of assistance offered by Free ERA service. First, on-site repair that includes several services, such as jumpstart service/battery jumper, locksmith service, and flat tire change service.

Fuel service is part of jumpstart service. For fuel service, ERA team will come carrying a two-liter jerrycan filled with gasoline or diesel.

Second, car carrier service, in which the customer’s car will be taken to a partner repair shop. The repair shop will be the recommendation of the local ERA team and is usually a repair shop of Astra International.

Free ERA service can be claimed easily. Before that, make sure that you have the card that proves you get the Free ERA service. To claim it, contact AstraWorld Call Center at (area code) 500-898 according to the service network of ERA AstraWorld. Then, mention the car’s plate number or chassis number. Next, mention the problem you experience.

Under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), mobil88 is open to anyone who wants to buy high-quality used cars. Until now, 21 showrooms of mobil88 are available in Indonesia’s big cities, and you can also make a booking or transaction via mobil88 e-store.
