Going Around Hometown Comfortably Using Rented Car

Jakarta – Going back to one’s hometown is always a moment for gathering with the extended family. Because it happens only once a year, the homebound season must be optimally spent, including for sightseeing.

There are many ways to ensure comfort when sightseeing in one’s hometown. One of them is renting a car. Nowadays, there are many car rentals in various areas, making it easy for homebound travelers.

Renting a car to be used in one’s hometown is advantageous in many ways. Travelers, for instance, no longer need to worry about how to move between places, compared to when using public transportation. Renting a car also allows travelers to go straight from where they live to their hometown, saving their energy.

However, before renting a car, you need to pay attention to a few things. First, find a trusted car rental to avoid the possibility of getting cheated. For instance, getting charged with additional fees that are not reasonable for extra time.

“There are also car rentals that claim they find damages on the car body and demand us to pay for compensation, even though nothing happened when we drove the car,” Kompas Travel wrote, Monday (July 3, 2016).

We can search for trusted car rentals on the internet. Usually, car rentals that have their own website can be trusted. Another way is trying to ask your friends or relatives who live in your hometown. Ask for their recommendation of trusted car rentals there.

Secondly, book the car long before the intended period of use, because during the holiday season, many tourists must be after rented cars. It’s also important for you to find out the range of rental fees. The fees are certainly different between big cities and small towns.

The car rental policies are usually different from area to area too. In Yogyakarta, for instance, a car is usually rented out for 12 hours. While in Bali, a car is usually rented out for 10 hours. “Make sure that you return your car before the rent period runs out. Don’t forget to ask about the extra charge if you exceed the rent period,” Kompas Travel wrote.

Before you leave with the car you’ve rented, check its conditions first. Make sure that there is no damage on the body and the interior of the car. If there’s any, quickly report it to the rental officers.

Not only the car’s physical condition, check also the functions of each part, from the brake, water, to battery. This is to avoid getting cheated when you return the car after use.

Not only that, a potential customer must also consider the options of renting a car with or without a driver. Renting a car with a driver is indeed practical because you only need to sit in the car and determine where to go. However, exploring the destination won’t be as fun because you don’t experience driving by yourself on the roads of your hometown.

As importantly, travelers must also decide the type of car to rent according to the number of family members to take along while sightseeing. It’s better to choose a car rental company that offers many car variants. One of them is TRAC, a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) that is affiliated with Astra Group. TRAC provides various cars in ready-to-go condition.

TRAC is committed to maintain the quality of every car rentable by customers. Each TRAC car always has its conditions monitored and is routinely maintained. TRAC also guarantees the safety of customers by providing travel insurance. Customer can also opt for additional protection from a third party.

TRAC is a transportation service provider that offers car rental to both companies (long-term) and individuals (short-term). TRAC offers options according to needs, including MPVs, SUVs, compact cars, and sedans. TRAC also offers various kinds of buses.
