Car Rentals Adapting to E-Ticket Policy

The application of electronic violation ticket (e-ticket) has driven car rentals to adapt to the policy, just like what the car rentals in Solo that are members of Solo Car Rental Association (Aremso) have done.

The association’s secretary, Adji Atmodiwiryo, said that car rentals in Solo will introduce the e-ticket policy to all would-be-customers. This includes making them understand about the risk of being ticketed, that they have to pay all expenses arising from the ticket.

According to Adji, this introduction is given not only to new customers, but also old and partner customers, especially those who rent cars without drivers. “For customers who rent cars without drivers, they have to pay all the fees at the front and agree to pay the fine for any violation ticket themselves,” he said (, February 21, 2019).

Oki Orlando, an owner of a car rental in Surakarta, as quoted from (February 14, 2019), said that the e-ticket policy was indeed being talked about by fellow car rental owners since it came into effect. One of the focuses is the responsibility for paying the e-ticket after the customer returns the key and the car to the car rental. This is especially important because there are some customers who come from out of town, making confirmation difficult.

Aloysius Saptoto, a car rental owner from Karanganyar, explained that their worry has a cause. Notification of ordinary violation ticket is usually sent a few days after the car is returned by customer. Because of this, car owner does not know which traffic rules, e.g. traffic signs, that the customer has violated.

Another problem that might arise according to Sartoto is that car rental owner will find it difficult to ask for the fine payment to the customer. This is because usually customers no longer stay in touch with car rentals after they return the car. “Well, what we can do is adjusting the terms and conditions for renting a car,” he said (, February 20, 2019).

The e-ticket policy already took effect in some areas in Indonesia on different dates. In Solo, it took effect early this year, while the policy has been in effect in Jakarta since November 2018. Everywhere it is applied, the policy aims to improve drivers’ discipline.

According to police data, the application of e-ticket policy has managed to bring down the number of traffic violations in Jakarta. Greater Jakarta Police Traffic Directorate Chief Commissioner Yusuf even said that his data showed that compared to the same period last year, the number of violations went down by 70%.

“There used to be 250 traffic violations a day, but now the figure is 25 violations,” Yusuf said, as quoted in NTMCPolri website, Thursday (March 14, 2019).

Yusuf said that the e-ticket mechanism has managed to cause deterrent effect to drivers on Jakarta’s two main roads. He expressed his hope that the policy would be applied in other areas so that drivers would comply with traffic rules.

“The daily number of traffic violations has begun to decrease, and drivers have understood the policy more. During the first days of the implementation of e-ticket in November, up to 300 violations were recorded in a day; the number has decreased a lot now,” Yusuf said, as quoted by

TRAC, a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) that provides trusted vehicle rental service, aims to support the government’s policies including the implementation of e-ticket.

TRAC offers cars of various types with prime services. The services can be enjoyed by both individual and corporate customers. TRAC can be the ideal option to fulfill the transportation needs of the people at any time.

To date, TRAC has about 40,000 cars available, from SUVs, MPVs, to buses. TRAC also provides services according to customers’ needs, allowing customers to rent a car with or without a driver.

With routine maintenance, all TRAC cars are ready to use. TRAC also prioritizes customers’ safety and convenience by offering travel insurance for all customers.

Check this page for further information about TRAC.
