Convenience of Buying Used Cars Online

There are many ways of buying used cars. Not only by going to the showroom, looking at and buying used cars can also be done through gadgets or laptops. Currently, there are already many online services that provide many options for the people.

With various available conveniences, surfing the cyberspace is predicted to be a trend in used car purchase. However, people should also be careful. The most important point is look for used cars based on needs.

Right now, many used car sellers sell their goods on the internet. Before being attracted and agreeing to buy a dream car, it is advised to check the background of the dealership or the individual seller. After that, find out about the status of the car.

The circulation of used cars in Indonesia is quite big. There are at least 3.5 million used car transactions every year in Indonesia. This figure is predicted to keep increasing in line with the increasing number of private car ownership.

The trend of online used car trade is already happening in advanced countries, including the United States. Convenience and flexibility are the factors behind the trend.

mobil88 President Director Halomoan Fischer said that Indonesia itself has started to experience this trend, even though digitalization has not covered all aspects.

According to Fischer, as many as 56% consumers check the information about their dreams cars on the Internet before going to the dealership. This trend is moving upward, especially among millennials.

The shift in behavior cannot be separated from the habit of buyers who are reluctant to check many cars one by one. They only need to check a number of cars before making decision. “Usually they only look at three to five cars. This is made easy by digitalization,” Fischer said (, December 21, 2018).

Online sales of cars in Indonesia are recently on the rise. According to the latest research by Google and TNS (2017), 63% Indonesians are willing to buy cars online (increasing from 49% in 2016). The reason is that all information is now easily accessed including information to get needed things for the new or to-be-bought cars.

"More than eight Indonesian out of 10 (85%) agreed  that they accessed the Internet before deciding to buy cars. Meanwhile, those who watch videos before buying cars (about review and others) reached 59%. Then, 63% Indonesians are willing to buy cars online," Google Indonesia Industry Analyst Yudistira Adi Nugroho explained to, Tuesday (March 27, 2018).

Factors of convenience, speed, and practicality are the main considerations of consumers when choosing to buy online. With online services, consumers can also find out various information regarding the reputation of the dealers and compare the cars offered by one seller with another. 

mobil88, used car dealership under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), keep maximising both its platforms. While developing digital platform, mobil88 offers service to potential consumers to check the condition of the car they want directly by visiting the showroom. With more that 20 branches in Indonesia’s large cities, mobil88 sells high-quality used cars of various brands and types.

As a showroom with more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 dares to offer buyback guarantee that the cars have not been involved in an accident or flood. Moreover, the chassis and the engine numbers match the numbers stated in the vehicle registration document (STNK) and vehicle ownership document (BPKB). The odometer has not been wound back either. Please click this page to learn more about mobil88’s services.
