SERA Presents Technology for Transportation and Logistics Management

Vehicles are one category of important assets for a company. Without good quality operating vehicles, the mobility and the activities of a company might be hindered. This will certainly hamper the company’s performance, especially if the company operates in transportation and logistics services.

For a company that possesses vehicles in a large number, it is definitely not easy to manage and maintain those assets. Operating costs, routine maintenance costs, they all present problems, not to mention the issue of monitoring the drivers, who might drive in a dangerous way. There are so many problems, from upstream to downstream, that if not managed well, might cause losses to the company.

“AstraFMS is a solution to answer all those problems,” PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) Marketing Director Hadi Winarto said during the launch of Astra Fleet Management Solution or AstraFMS, as quoted by (January 31, 2019).

As an Astra subsidiary in the business line of transportation and logistics services, SERA, through the latest innovations, managed to present a technology-based transportation and logistics management system called AstraFMS.

AstraFMS was born out of SERA’s culture of innovation which is oriented toward the development of products and services that are integrated with the latest technology.

“AstraFMS proves that SERA is a pioneer in technology innovation in the industry of passenger transport and logistics. This tech innovation can help companies conduct cost efficiency measures and at the same time improve productivity in running business,” SERA President Director Firman Yosafat Siregar said, as quoted by (January 31, 2019).

AstraFMS is a tech innovation that helps companies conduct cost efficiency measures and improve productivity through the installation of hardware in a car’s ECU, whether it’s a passenger car or a commercial car such as a truck.

With AstraFMS, a company can easily monitor its vehicle fleet and the drivers through one system. Information of car speed, car temperature, major and minor incidents, and driver’s performance is automatically recorded and sent to the command center so that it can be acted upon by the customer in real time.

So far, according to SERA Marketing Director Hadi Winarto, about 2,000 cars from 20 companies have been helped by AstraFMS during the trial period of one year. The cars had AstraFMS technology installed to calculate the efficiency of their operations.

“I would say that AstraFMS contributes 10% to 30% to cost efficiency,” Hadi said, as quoted by (January 31, 2019).

That’s why SERA is confident to have the AstraFMS installed in about 20,000 cars of various companies. However, in the short term, the technology will only be applied for cars in SERA’s network.

With the application of this technology on cars in SERA’s network, the public will also gain the benefits as it will certainly have a direct impact on the improvement of SERA’s service quality as TRAC’s business line in car rental.

The positive impact that consumers will experience is that every car they rent will be guaranteed to be in a prime condition because the cars are well monitored. Moreover, as mentioned above, AstraFMS can also monitor the performance of the drivers. This will surely increase your convenience and safety while using TRAC’s services.
