TRAC Starts 2019 with Achievement

Jakarta – TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), won a Top Brand Award in the category of “Car Rental”. This was not the first time TRAC won the achievement; in fact, it’s been defending its title since 2010.

“The success is the fruit of TRAC’s consistency in improving quality and innovation of its products and services by using excellent resources and the best technologies,” said SERA Marketing Division Head Francisca, who attended the award ceremony in Hotel Mulia, South Jakarta, on Thursday (February 14).

The event is the result of the partnership between Marketing magazine and Frontier Group, which involved 12,200 respondents in 15 cities in Indonesia. In the face-to-face survey, TRAC gained an index of 32%, the highest in the Car Rental category.

The index is assessed based on three criteria: Top of Mind Awareness (the first brand named by respondents when the product category was mentioned); Market Share (the last brand used/consumed by respondents); and Future Share (the brand that the respondents want to use/consume in the future).

“Nevertheless, we keep improving to give the best services to our customers,” Francisca said.

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