Trans Java Toll Road Expected to Cut National Logistics Costs

The availability of infrastructures is one of the important factors needed to cut national logistics costs. Hence, the government is currently boosting the construction of various infrastructures to boost efficiency in logistics activities.

One of the efforts is the construction of Trans Java Toll Road. The construction of the 760-km toll road that will connect Jakarta and Surabaya is expected to cut national logistics costs.

The Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo when inaugurating Pemalang-Batang and Batang-Semarang segments of the toll road in Kalikuto Bridge, Thursday (December 20, 2018), reiterated that the construction of Trans Java Toll Road is expected to ease logistics transport.

“With the construction of this Trans Java Toll Road, the people can choose whether to use this toll road or the national North Coast Road (Pantura). We expect that with the construction of this road, the mobility of logistics goods and people can be even faster, easier, and cheaper,” President Jokowi said, as quoted by (December 20, 2018).

In the same vein with President Jokowi, State-Owned Enterprises Ministry Secretary Imam Apriyanto Putro also expected the Trans Java Toll Road to become a solution not only to reduce traffic in arterial roads, but also to make national logistics activities more efficient.

“Hopefully this toll road can bring many benefits especially to the efficiency of national distribution and logistics system,” Imam Apriyanto Putro said, as quoted by, Thursday (December 20, 2018).

Meanwhile, Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry Regional Infrastructure Development Agency Head Hadi Sucahyono, as published in the page, Thursday (December 27, 2018), said that Trans Java Toll Road is expected to positively impact people’s economy. He said that the PUPR Ministry built the toll road to answer the need for smooth logistics transport and the demand of ever-increasing traffic volume.

The Trans Java Toll Road is expected to smooth and increase traffic, which means increasing the mobility of people, goods distribution, and services growth. It can also boost the growth of new economic zones, from centers of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to industrial zones along the toll road.

The access to freeway and the establishment of industrial zones, according to Hadi, can bring forth efficiency and effectivity of goods and human traffic, which will result in the reduction of transportation costs.

“We shall keep the transportation costs low to keep goods cheaper,” Hadi said.

Operating in logistics sector, SELOG as a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) that’s affiliated with Astra Group, warmly welcomes any policy from the government that will cut national logistics costs. SELOG is also ready to support logistics-related government policies through excellent and trusted service.

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