All SERA Individuals Celebrate Astra’s 62nd Anniversary

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), as an Astra subsidiary, joined the celebration of Astra’s 62nd anniversary on Wednesday (February 20). All SERA individuals and board of management held a gathering, which was started by singing Astra and SERA anthems.

PT Astra International President Director Prijono Sugiarto said in his letter that in 2018, Astra Group managed to record its best achievement ever since its founding 62 years ago, thanks to the support and hard work of more than 220,000 Astra individuals in 226 companies, including SERA.

“2018 was also the year we rose together, because when consolidated, Astra has begun to show convincing business growth as profitability has been steadily growing in the last few years,” Astra President Director wrote.

In its 62nd year, Astra chose the theme “Inspiring the Nation”, which was very relevant with the context of social, political, and economic dynamics in 2019. That was why, he continued, there were at least three main things that needed to be carried out soon.

First, realizing the professionalism, integrity, and continuous management of human resources; second, achieving the targets of programs and working plans that have been set; and third, maintaining Astra’s position as “Partner of Choice”.

“By carrying out these three main things continuously, then we are confident that all Astra programs and individuals will continue to inspire this country,” Prijono said.

The three things are naturally SERA’s important missions too. “We are ready to welcome 2019 with a new spirit, to prove that SERA can overcome various business challenges in the future,” SERA President Director Firman Yosafat Siregar said.
