Managing Salary to Own Dream Car

Having a private car is now a need for many people. Demands of modern, mobile lifestyle change people’s mindset, making them see cars not as a wish but as a need.

Even when you only have standard salary, you can still make your dream of owning a car come true. MRE Financial and Business Advisory financial planner Andy Nugroho said that the first and foremost step to do to achieve that dream is by saving routinely. “Set aside at least 10% of your income every month for savings,” he said (, August 26, 2014).

Andy explained that it takes a strong will and commitment to achieve the dream. Remember that it might take quite a long time to see the results. But as the proverb says, a penny saved is a penny earned, including in trying to buy a dream car. Andy said that self-control is needed in money management. It is okay to pamper yourself with the money you earn, but you must maintain your commitment to saving and investing.

One of the tips to do it is by saving as soon as you receive your monthly pay, so that you can have enough money for down payment. If you pay a big down payment when buying a car, then the monthly installments will not be too burdening. “You can also use your savings for unexpected or urgent matters,” Andy said, as quoted from (May 10, 2017).

Applying for loan or installment scheme can be the right option for those who want to buy a car but with a limited income. However, please make sure to allocate enough for your personal monthly needs, for instance, daily food and transportation. When we’ve calculated the allocation for that, then we can see how much of our salary we can put aside in savings for buying a car.

As for entertainment needs, we can rank them after the allocation for daily needs and savings for buying our dream car. That way, we can envision our budgeting purposes more clearly and calculate our spending better.

Before buying a car, it’s very important to set the price range that you can afford with your salary. If you want to pay in installments, make sure that you can pay the monthly installments with your salary after you prioritize your daily needs.

Moreover, make sure that we’re not having other installments or debts that we also have to pay. If we still have debts, we should prioritize paying them first. That way, we won’t be burdened by too many installments to pay. It is also recommended to keep installments below 30% of monthly salary so that we do not have to sacrifice our daily needs.

When we start paying installments, start paying for other purposes with cash or debit card, because using your credit card will only increase your burden the next month.

Please also keep in mind that when you own a car, you will also have to pay for its maintenance and spare parts. Don’t forget to allocate money from your monthly salary for these other costs.

“Think about what costs that you will have to bear when you own a car. Don’t let your desire to have a car plunges you into financial crisis,” said on Thursday (February 22, 2018).

Another option to consider is buying a used car. Nowadays, many cars of latest models already end up in used car market because newer models are released so quickly. A young family or a new employee can benefit from this.

The performance of a used car might not be too different from a completely new car, as long as the used car has a good history of use. One of the companies of used car showrooms that provide various cars in prime condition is mobil88.

Under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), mobil88 showrooms accept anyone who wants to buy high-quality used cars. Mobil88 has 20 showrooms in Indonesia’s big cities, ready to help people fulfill their needs for transportation.

As a showroom company that has more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 is not afraid to offer buyback guarantee if it turns out that the car bought has experienced crash or has been immersed in flood. Mobil88 also guarantees that the chassis and the engine numbers match those stated in the car registration and car ownership documents. The odometer has also not been tampered with.

Please click this page to learn more about mobil88’s services.
