Reduce Risks by Choosing Trusted Car Rental

Information technology makes it easier for people to develop startups, including car rentals. Car rental businesses have been mushrooming, from individual businesses to enterprises with legal entity.

The business indeed offers good prospects in big cities because there's a very big market for it there. One of the reasons is because it's cheaper to rent cars than to buy cars which will require maintenance cost. That is why many companies prefer to rent cars, especially if the drivers are also provided.

However, there are things that a car rental needs to ensure to gain customers' trust.

Insurance coverage

All the vehicles for rent must be covered by insurance. Should an accident or other unwanted things happen, the rental doesn't need to spend too much to fix the car. Insurance coverage makes both car owner and renter feel safer, as cited from (October 8, 2017).

Car maintenance

As time goes on, a car's performance will decline, making routine maintenance a must. A car rental must partner with a trusted car garage, especially one with extra services, that will make maintenance easier.

Right marketing

There are many different kinds of promotional media. It is common nowadays for businesses to promote their products through social media. Actively promoting on social media is a strategy that should be done, because urban residents now do almost everything using their gadgets. The right marketing campaign will certainly make a car rental business well known and trusted.

TRAC, a business line of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) that operates in trusted car rental, seeks to always maintain trust. The major key TRAC holds is customers' satisfaction. One of the most crucial things is TRAC making drivers as a new profession "with a class of its own". Drivers are an important asset for TRAC's service excellence.

To ensure the professionalism of drivers, TRAC hones their skills. Not only taught about the basics of TRAC's service, which is smile, friendliness, and attending, TRAC drivers are trained to have driving skills, such as defensive driving. These skills are important for the comfort and safety of customers while they ride with TRAC.

With the training given, it is expected that the drivers can give the best service and minimize accidents on the road. This was what KompasOtomotif reporters felt when they went on a trip in Yogyakarta, as cited from (October 6, 2017).

"The service given by the driver was one of the most impressive things in the trip KompasOtomotif had with TRAC in September 2017. It seemed that TRAC trained their drivers very well, giving optimum service to customers," it was stated in the piece titled The Comfortable Service from TRAC Car Rental Driver.

TRAC drivers leave a certain impression from the start with their friendly facial expressions and words. They don't forget the small things such as opening and closing the car door for the customers and helping them putting their things into the car.

Seven notable points about TRAC drivers: They (1) arrive on time, and keep customers updated before their arrival; (2) check their car before starting the trip; (3) present a clean, tidy appearance; (4) serve customers in a friendly, warm way; (5) drive their car in a safe and comfortable way; (6) know the roads well; and (7) maintain the privacy of customers.

People thus don't need to worry about anything when they choose TRAC as their trusted car rental. Whatever the type of the trip they're having, be it for business or for holiday, TRAC will serve them wholeheartedly. Please click this link to learn more about TRAC.
