Car Purchase through Auction Not Yet Popular, But Offers Many Benefits

Generally, when someone wants to buy a vehicle, they tend to prefer going to the showroom. Not only for purchasing new vehicles, even for purchasing used vehicles, showroom is still the main preference on average. However, there is actually an alternative place to get high-quality used car with affordable price, which is auction house. 

Auction is actually an attractive choice. Not only people will be able to find the goods they want in auction houses, but the prices are relatively affordable. However, car auction is not yet popular, caused by people's lack of information and understanding about auction procedures.

There are actually many benefits people can get when buying used cars and motorcycles in an auction. Auction house that people can visit is IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, one of the largest auction houses in Indonesia under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA). 

IBID President Director Daddy Doxa Manurung said that by buying through auction, a potential buyer will be able to match the price with their budget. "By participating in an auction, buyer can get a cheaper and more attractive price than in the showroom, either for new car or used car," Doxa explained.

Moreover, he said, the vehicle condition can be seen directly and as it is; nothing is covered up, either the condition of the body and engine or the documents.

"There are also more choices of vehicles. If you go to the showroom, there are only a few choices, but when you go to the auction house, there will be up to 400 cars you can choose from in one auction," he said.

Doxa also gave tips for buying in an auction. The most important one is to check the market price of the car you want. After that, go to the auction house to see the car. "It is better to check the car, from the exterior, interior, and the documents. If all is well, then you can directly participate in the auction," Doxa said. 

The survey of car condition can be done a few days before the auction begins, which is during open house. In IBID, for instance, auctions are routinely held every Wednesday and Saturday. 

To get the best price, Doxa said, one should not get emotional when bidding. If the price is already above the market price, do not keep bidding because you may suffer loss.

According to him, actually auction is not as complicated as people think. To participate in an auction in IBID, you must register first and buy Auction Participant Number (NPL) that functions as bidding tool for Rp5 million per NPL. One NPL can only be used to bid one lot. However, the money will be returned 100% if you do not win the auction.

On, you can also participate in an auction in real time from wherever through Live Auction feature. Check the details on IBID's website on how to participate.

Currently, IBID also serves web-based online auction. In the future, IBID will provide Android-and iOS-based auction apps. For more information about IBID, you can read it in on this page or access the social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
