Toll Road Integration Guarantees Logistics Service Better

Good news comes from logistics services in Indonesia. To increase effectivity and efficiency of the mobility of goods and services, the government has started the implementation of toll transaction integration. The policy has just begun to take effect in Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) on September 29, 2018. The policy is an early step towards the multilane free flow (MLFF) that will be effective starting 2019.

Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said with the toll integration, road users only need to pay once. This makes using JORR toll road more efficient; for instance, users needed to pay 2 to 3 times on the four toll road segments managed by different operators (BUJT).

"Five toll gates will be abolished to reduce waiting lines on toll roads. Toll integration is also meant to support the national logistics system so that it can be more efficient and competitive," Basuki said to, Wednesday (June 27).

The consequence of the integration is tariff change. Long-distance JORR users are benefited by the tariff change, but short-distance users not so. The tariff for logistics vehicles of classes II, III, IV, and V is reduced. It's Rp15,000 for class I vehicles, Rp22,500 for classes II and III vehicles, and Rp30,000 for classes IV and V vehicles.

Commenting on this, Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association (ALFI) Customs Division Deputy Chair Ian Sudiana said he welcomed the policy because finally now there is certainty in costs. He said the single tariff truly helps corporate logistics service providers, compared to the previous tariff that can reach Rp120 thousand (for return trip).

Ian said it's the calculation for the farthest distance for every car class. According to him, the tariff for the farthest distance for class I cars is slashed by up to 70%, classes II & III by 40—60%, while classes IV and V by 30%. "That's why we support this policy, because we’re directly benefited by the integration," he said, as cited on, Thursday (June 28).

Meanwhile, Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Executive Chair Tulus Abadi was of the opinion that the toll integration was indeed designed for logistics vehicles. "The reduction in toll tariff for logistics vehicles on JORR is expected to bring down logistics fees and even prices for end users," he said, as cited on, Thursday (June 28).

However, Tulus said, the toll integration is not about hidden tariff hike, because toll tariff hike is regulated to occur every two years. "That's why toll operators must be able to prove that their revenue does not increase after the integration. If their revenue increases it means there is a hidden tariff hike, unilaterally, which violates the government regulation on toll roads," he explained. 

The toll integration allows corporate logistics service providers such as SELOG to serve clients optimally. The subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) under Astra is always ready to serve corporate logistics need.

SELOG offers various end-to-end corporate logistics services. SELOG has Shipping Services, shipping and distribution service using sea transportation.

There is also Freight Forwarding that guarantees safety, on-time, and zero-defect delivery, as well as Courier Services, express courier service to send packages offering same day service, next day service, and regular service.

For warehousing, SELOG also offers goods management and storage service through Warehouse Management System (WMS). With all the programs SELOG offers, supported by the toll transaction integration policy from the government, corporate logistics service can be served better.

For information about other SELOG services, you can visit this page.
