SERA Introduces Traffic Safety to Elementary School Students

Jakarta – Noises made by fifth graders filled up the hall of Elementary School 03 Gedong, Condet, East Jakarta. Not less than 150 children tried to out compete each other, raising their hands to answer the questions raised by Jakarta Metropolitan Police Traffic Directorate officer Brigadier Intan about the meaning of traffic lights.

"Red means we have to stop, yellow means to be careful, while green means we can go on," Siti answered when she was given the chance by Brigadier Intan to answer during SERA's event that promotes traffic safety, 'Indonesia, Let's Have Safe Traffic' on Friday (September 21).

The event, the result of collaboration between PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) and Jakarta Metropolitan Police Traffic Directorate, gave the opportunity for students to understand traffic rules that ensure safety. They learn the function of and how to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, also the meaning of traffic signs.

"We are very thankful because there are still people who care about the safety of road users, because the children that we are teaching today will one day become road users themselves," Police Chief Inspector Sri Pamuncak said to SERA.

The daily job of Education and Conjecture Sub-directorate, he continued, is to give education about traffic at learning institutions, from pre-schools to universities. The sub-directorate even promotes road safety to adult road users.

"It's awesome, the children were very enthusiastic. They quickly remembered the songs about traffic that we taught them, and they were able to give the correct answers about the traffic signs after our introduction to them," Chief Inspector Sri said.

The school, represented by Principal Titin Sukayati, expressed their gratitude for the opportunity given by SERA and Traffic Directorate as speakers in the event. She hoped the promotion would create a domino effect.

"Hopefully the teachers can teach them the rules again, and most importantly, they can promote the rules to students' parents because the parents are the road users themselves. Students that have learnt from this introduction can also pass their knowledge on to their parents," Titin said.

Before the event, the school has received aid from SERA that was used to make traffic signs. The signs were put up around the school so that the students could see them.

"The idea came up because this school is next to a busy road, so the children are prone to traffic accidents. If they’re not careful when crossing the road, they might get hit by cars," she continued.

Teaching about traffic rules, according to Titin, is part of the plan to implement discipline in school. "It's because obeying traffic rules is part of discipline. Then it came across my mind that this school needed facilities that could teach children to obey rules."

The program is in line with SERA’s efforts to benefit the people as a form of social and environmental responsibility. In the CRS pillar of ‘education’, SERA has committed to improving education quality through training or infrastructure aid to support learning activities.

Other than traffic rule introduction, other programs are also ongoing, such as SERA Mengajar and Sekolah Binaan. Please click this page to learn more about SERA’s corporate social responsibility programs.
