Carrying the Spirit of Digital Transformation in SERA 2.0 Event

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) held an annual event that serves as a communication forum between the executives of SERA Group in el Royale Hotel, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, on Thursday (September 13). This time, the event carries the theme of digital transformation, and thus was called "SERA 2.0".

"This year, we selected a theme that is in line with the strategy of the top executives in digital transformation in a hope that we all can learn something from it," the event's Committee Chair Kartika Ryan Sanjaya said.

SERA President Director Firman Yosafat Siragar expressed a similar sentiment. He hoped that the event could inspire the attendees, who were SERA leaders, to do their daily work with the spirit of digital transformation.

SERA also invited to Priyantono Rudito, who is serving as an advisor to the Tourism Ministry, as a speaker in the event. He shared his experience and knowledge that he gained when he was working in various companies.

He reminded the attendees about the urgency of digital transformation in business. "Now is the age of disruption, with many young people developing digital businesses that we know as startups. Peopleuse their services in droves," Priyantono said.

Business players, he continued, would be left behind if they didn't quickly change their "business-as-usual" mindset. Priyantono then shared his experience regarding the transformation that he's conducted.

When the discussion session was opened, attendees enthusiastically asked questions. They looked very eager to dig further into the materials that the speaker had shared.

Not only that, SERA 2.0 also presented many entertaining performances. At the end of the event, SERA Board of Directors even showed off their music skills.

The event was closed with the committee, represented by Ryan Sanjaya, thanking the attendees. "We hope that today, everyone of us, especially you leaders that have been invited, gained insight that we can carry into our daily work to ensure the smooth running of the transformation."
