Odd-Even Traffic Policy Continues, Logistics Activities Still Have Good Prospect

Logistics activities have an important role in various sectors, including to fulfill the daily needs of the people. For example, the prices of staple goods will hike from normal prices when logistics activities are not going well. Therefore, the existence of logistics companies is needed to ensure that product or goods delivery are proceeding well.

Supporting factors to keep logistics activities going well include transportation. Not only vehicle availability, but transportation policies such as odd-even traffic policy in Jakarta also have influences.

Even though 2018 Asian Games had ended, odd-even traffic policy will be continued. "Jakarta administration will continue odd-even traffic policy until the end of Asian Paralympic Games on October 13," Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said, as cited from CNN Indonesia, Friday (August 31).

With the prolonged implementation of odd-even policy, it will affect all road users not excluding logistics companies. However, a number of logistics companies can already anticipate it.

Even though odd-even policy continues, logistics activities are predicted to be in a positive track and still has great potential in the future. This can be seen from the increase in e-commerce activities which significantly impact the growth of logistics sector.

Ernst & Young in the study, Indonesian E-commerce Roadmap, recorded that logistics business is projected to grow by tenfold from 2015-2020, reaching Rp1,800 trillion. Meanwhile, data from Google Temasek, as cited from (February 1), stated that e-commerce business development in Southeast Asia is predicted to grow by 15% with trade value of $88 billion from 2015-2025. 

In Indonesia, one of the sectors currently growing is micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME). This provides opportunity for logistics sector to fulfill their product distribution needs. At the moment, there are only 4 million MSME from 60 million that sell their products online. Therefore, the opportunity for logistics services is still wide open.

This also gives a chance to logistics service provides such as SELOG that will offer maximum services while supporting government's policies, including odd-even policy. 

This subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) under Astra is always ready to serve logistics needs. This is a good chance for MSME players to utilize services from SELOG.

SELOG presents end-to-end logistics services including courier services. Generally, express courier services are divided into standard services and solution services. 

Standard services comprise same-day service, next-day service, and regular service. Meanwhile, with solution service, you do not need to worry when you need special services such as VPD (valuable, perishable, dangerous goods) service for documents or delivery of too-large packages and goods that cannot be delivered using the usual cargo service.

Therefore, even though there is a limitation of vehicle movement in Jakarta due to odd-even policy, people can still use logistics services. SELOG is also still committed to support every government's policies, while offering the best logistics services to the consumers.

Please visit this page to check other services from SELOG.
