In E-Commerce Era, Logistics Business Gets Very Attractive

Logistics or courier service for companies is truly important for many businesses. Without this sector, products made by a company might never be delivered to the hands of the customers.

With the e-commerce boom in Indonesia, courier or delivery services also skyrocket. "E-commerce has become a huge market for delivery and logistics services," (February 14) wrote.

According to the Indonesian Express Delivery, Postal, and Logistics Companies Association (Asperindo) Central Executive Board Chair M. Feriadi, the value of logistics market was around Rp2,100 trillion at that time. "From that figure, the capitalization of courier services was probably only Rp50 trillion. We obtained that figure after several studies and screening," Feriadi said, as quoted from (November 28, 2016).

There is still a very high potential for delivery business to grow. According to Bank Indonesia data, as quoted from (November 11, 2017), e-commerce transaction value grows every year. In 2011, the transaction value was only $1 billion, but the figure skyrocketed to reach $3.5 billion in 2015. It was projected to reach Rp144 trillion in 2018 (, September 24, 2017). 'The large cake' is being competed by logistics companies.

Feriadi said that what logistics business players need right now is tech innovation. This is even more important since many foreign delivery services also expand to Indonesia, making competition in logistics business even tighter.

Now, some business players are developing digital app-based logistics service. Customers can monitor where their package currently is. Logistics service information is more open and accessible to customers.

Another potential that delivery business players need to tap into is the big data of customers. "The big data is used to know in details the tendency of goods purchase in a region," wrote (March 14, 2018). A company can then make decisions based on the observation and sell the statistical data to other parties, for instance, marketplaces.

In this e-commerce era, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) through SELOG also contributes by offering professional delivery services. SELOG guarantees safe, on-time, and damage-free delivery of goods to the hands of buyers.

Moreover, the company, which is part of Astra Group, also provides Warehouse Management System (WMS). WMS allows customers to check the availability status of goods in real time.

SELOG can also send various packages using vehicles as needed. Please click this link to know more about SELOG services that suit your business needs.
