Online Shopping Gets More Popular: Make Sure You Shop at Trusted Places

Online shopping has been getting more popular and has become a lifestyle among Indonesians. The growth rate of e-commerce in Indonesia has skyrocketed thanks to digital startups.

Eighteen million online shoppers were recorded in 2015 (, July 6). The number had increased by 10 million in 2017 to 28.1 million shoppers and is estimated to be 31.6 million in 2018 (, accessed on September 7).

If you often shop online, you need to be careful so that no undesirable things happen to you. Vaksincom internet security expert Alfons Tanujaya outlined the characteristics of dubious online shops. First, such online shops usually offer promo prices that are too good to be true. Second, the seller usually asks buyer to transfer the money to a bank account, for instance, as down payment.

Also pay attention to the ratings of the seller; one that is not credible surely has low ratings. If you truly want to shop online, Alfons suggested to do all payment through the payment system of the marketplace and never transfer money directly to the seller's account for any reason.

If practices that harm the customers often occur in online shops, it will surely impact customers' level of trust. This is unfortunate since e-commerce's rising trend will still continue, and the industry is predicted to reach its peak in 2021 (, September 3).

Hence, customers need to be selective and only use the services of the right e-commerce companies with trusted record. This also applies when they want to buy motor vehicles through auction.

The main consideration should be whether we can be served with a secure, trusted online transaction, such as what IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) that works in vehicle auction, has on offer.

Established in 2007, IBID has been trusted as an auction house with a reputable record. The Finance Ministry's State Assets Directorate General (DJKN) in 2015 awarded IBID as the auction house with the best performance in automotive sector.

As an auction house, IBID realizes the demand of the current age when people want to find anything easily, especially vehicles. Moreover, auction is an alternative way for people who are looking for cars or motorcycles with more attractive prices.

To join an auction in IBID, a customer needs to register first and buy an auction participant number (NPL) for bidding. The NPL money will be fully refunded if the customer does not win the auction.

Customer can also join a real-time auction from anywhere through Live Auction. To know more about IBID, please check IBID official website You can also follow the latest updates by checking IBID accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

With the ease of digital services, hopefully more people can enjoy the benefits of selling and buying through auction. Customer is only clicks away from completing a transaction anywhere securely!
